How to stay in a positive mindset under attack by your employer or other people: Staying in a positive mindset is possible when employers or people such as family members, former friends, and employers attack you. Being a visionary thinker makes you a peculiar person and teaches you to stay ever so prayerful. Prayer is the elixir to defeating an employer, in addition to shamelessly lifting up the name of Jesus Christ as LORD and savior before employers and people.
If you find yourself in any challenging moment whereas your employer tells a lie on you, calls you names and disrespects you in front of others to make themselves look good and tells you indirectly that you have no future to look forward to with the company in terms of a career, don’t sweat the small potatoes. The LORD Jesus, who is God and God alone already knew before everything happens. Who’s smarter than God? Who’s wiser than God? Who’s richer than God? No one!
God has all the riches, and all the success woman or man’s small mind can’t comprehend. Everything that happens in life to you profits you.
Profits doesn’t completely entail financial gain. Profit means “what have you learned from what you experienced or currently experiencing?” Profit means “how will you use this experience to make a successful spiritual and alternative transformation?” Profit means “how can you use this experience to transform into an honorable leader and quietly quash the value of those who chestize you, ridicule you, lie on you, call you names to your face on and off of your job, and stay in a positive mindset at the same time?” Profit means “how will you use this experience to build an honorable character and win people over for achieving spiritual goals such as drawing more people to The LORD Jesus?”
Life is a daily fight inside your mind in achieving supremacy over adversity.
Hate makes the mental growth stagnate. When they contemplate, use that adversity to increase your spiritual strength and financial weight. In the end when the smoke clears, you’re the victor, Beezlebub Jr. is the loser, and you can quietly say to yourself after getting the victory “checkmate!” 🙂
When one door closes, God opens another “with no delay!” 🙂
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