Never hesitate to give God thanks shamelessly before people, even if it aggravates them.
Put your personal feelings aside and strive daily to be a Christ – like example, even if you’re not 100% up to par in your spiritual journey to righteousness. Praise God openly in front of people in decency and order without a care in the world of “what people think.”
Most importantly, l ve helps the human heart grow in ways positively unimaginable. Allow love to consume you, as you’ll experience amazing growth like never before. Most importantly, gratitude keeps the mind, heart and soul grounded in humility. Help others and always
True transformation is when you can smile in the face of your naysayers with a gracious and humble heart, having not care if they’re secretly trying to set the stage for your downfall. The LORD thy God knows everything before it occurs. There’s more to life than making money.
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