Suffering for blessing in enduring hardship as a faithful soldier is a tough thing to deal with on your job. Especially when you’re trying to keep a positive mindset and working in secret to build a business for the purpose of completely escaping the day job scene forever.
Always know when your employer steps up their hateful antics and does so in a manner on the job towards that’s hard to prove legally, it’s a subliminal indicator it’s time to think positive about yourself. They see something in you that bothers them spiritually and otherwise. Your employer sees more than just another employee in you. They see greatness.
When you refuse to allow your employer to get to your spirit and emotions, that profits you in building and retaining spiritual and mental strength. In turn, in increases your humility and self-confidence. And with positive thinking on deck, you can profit even more from your employer by starting a near future million dollar home based online business.
If you’ve flirted with the idea of starting a digital home business and sick and tired of your employer harassing you, now’s the time to put faith and works into action and start your business. By believing in yourself and refusing to allow your employer to sway your positive mindset, you can capitalize off of them by starting and faithfully building your business in silence. It would blow your employer’s mind, when they find out in due time that you used their negativity in secret to build a business and you finally became a “side hustle millionaire.”
Imagine how your employer would react and say to you after you prove to their face you became a millionaire off of them, and gave them a link to an article on the Forbes website to read about your transformation business success story, of how you had to endure such hardship and yet, endured it and became an online millionaire through it all. That would teach your employer a hard lesson about workplace harassment of peculiar employees.
If you’re an employer reading this, watch how you treat employees in the workplace. The one you hate on and bash might end up being the one that uses you to “strike it RICH!” 🙂
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