#PositiveThinking: Feeling Thankful for a #NewDay

Morning prayer has a unique way of helping anyone start their day on the right foot with positive thinking and more. Praying in the morning helps you get on track with positive thinking. And if you feel derailed for whatever reason, a new day provides a new opportunity for you to rerail your train of thought so you can stay on track with positive thoughts and not switch up like worldly people do when situations arise that may possibly challenge your positive thinking.


After morning prayer and giving thanks for a new day, it’s a good idea toto follow up with morning exercise and cardiovascular activity. Reason being is so the endorphins can flow freelee throughout your adrenal glands and create additional feelings of happiness. Increased feelings of happiness has a unique way of helping you get more done in your day such as building your future million dollar side hustle business, losing weight, feeling more attractive, and helping you maintain positive relationships on a business and personal level.


Don’t look at where you’re at right now and where you’re not at right now in life. Work on daily self-improvement and don’t compare yourself to others. Move at your own pace and never stop believing in you. Do the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation without a care in the world what people think or say. A person who criticizes you for whatever reason by constantly saying “I think, I think” is someone that doesn’t want to see you progress in a positive manner. Prove that person Wrong by believing in yourself thinking “I can, I can.” Never mind what the other person thinks of you when they say I think, I think. That means nothing and doesn’t define you.


Prayer, cardio, exercise, and eating right are the keys to spiritual, physical, entrepreneurial and financial success. This is why it’s important to never stop believing in yourself. Believe and you shall achieve!

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