Helpful tip of the day:
Always remember to keep quiet on the job if you already have an online side hustle going. You want a clear and straight path to “full-time digital nomadness.” In other words, you don’t want no workplace haters or secret admirers on the job to have anything on you that’ll jeopardize your career, because they see you’re doing so good without them.
As you work on your side hustle and inch closer daily in your strides to full-time digital nomad status and near future status of side hustle millionaire, stay under the radar also by NOT wearing high-tag fashionable clothing to work.
“On the job haters” can possibly sense when your net worth is increasing “on the side.”
Stay focused. Keep your side hustle a secret on the job. Don’t drive your new MercedesBenz, Ferrari, VW, Porsche, BMW, or Lamborghini to work to show off.
When you stay humble and under the radar with your side hustle while building wealth outside of your job, you’ll be blessed to build more in secret.
Lastly, arrogance and high-mindedness will be your downfall if you accumulate riches and think you’re better than others. That thinking will definitely keep you dependent on your job, working paycheck to paycheck, with no pay raise in sight nor promotion.
Stay humble and look to the future. And always help others without expectation. That’s true transformation of the heart.
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