The GOOD News About The REAL #Transformation
GOD‘s mercy surpasses all understanding and sees anyone through the most trying times of transformation, when the person keeps doing the transformation work out of “inspiration or desperation.”
GOD‘s mercy surpasses all understanding and sees anyone through the most trying times of transformation, when the person keeps doing the transformation work out of “inspiration or desperation.”
1. The breath of life in your body: Forget what you didn’t achieve yesterday or yesteryear. Everyday is a new opportunity to begin again. 2. Another day in the land of the living: Strive daily to be better than yesterday in all you think and do. Showing up each day should inspire you to excel… Read more inspiring words here
The American Rescue Plan’s direct payments have begun going out. Help is here. — President Biden (@POTUS) March 14, 2021 Now that the new transformation President Biden and Democrats have successfully brought the Stimulus bill into law and started dishing out stimulus payments, those currently suffering from depression can take their direct payments… Read more inspiring words here
2021 is a year of new beginnings for many. The new year inspired people to make all sorts of changes. From pursuing higher education, restarting fitness transformations, mending relationships, achieving gainful employment, and mental preparations for all kinds of good things to come in the near future. But in order to achieve change, you… Read more inspiring words here
Facts: Your mindset – thoughts play a crucial role in the transformation of a better you. Don’t dwell on what happens to you. Focus on betterment of self through thoughts, words and deeds. Believe in yourself regardless who doesn’t. Stop worrying about what people think. Don’t be a hypocrite and a people pleaser. If… Read more inspiring words here
Some of the same people who smile in your face, including people from the past, are the same ones that ignore you when they think you need them for something and dependent upon them. Positive thinking and spiritual dependency creates a mindset of people-free independecy. In other words, believing 1st that The LORD will carry… Read more inspiring words here
When you’re starting a side hustle, it’s a wise decision not to tell people on your job. You’ll immediately get hated on and set yourself up for wrongful termination. Don’t give your employer or co-workers your social networking profiles. The moment you start that side hustle and express joy in building your work… Read more inspiring words here
Here’s something good to think about: As Trump is now an official ex person of government, that alone should be enough to smile about. That alone is more than enough to have a positive state of mind. Things will change for the better hopefully. You can start the new year with a new mindset.… Read more inspiring words here
Take power back from your employer Develop a cardiovascular and exercise regimen for getting on board and staying consistent with your new year fitness goal Transform people’s nonsense into spiritual growth and passive financial income Document your progress and share with others See the good in everything through positive thinking … Read more inspiring words here
Staying in Church: Almost everyone struggles with consistently coming to church. Church is not a place for you to be seen and socialize with people in a worldly fashion. It’s a consecrated place for you to spiritually rehabilitate your health. Coming to church is one thing. Staying in church and genuinely to rehabilitate yourself spiritually… Read more inspiring words here