how to defeat your former employer as a side hustle millionaire in the making

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The Workplace Jezebel Helped You Indirectly to Think Positive and Get Rich “Simultaneously”: Be Thankful You Were Targeted!

When you have that one workplace Jezebel or a few workplace Jezebels (male or female) who likes to allegedly whisper ill things about you behind your back to others because their spirit is incompatible with yours, take it as a hidden spiritual and financial blessing in disguise. You can’t gain spiritual traction in life by… Read more inspiring words here

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#TerminatedToMillionaire: The Importance of Documenting for Having a Former #Employer Investigated

This is a past classwork submitted (and edited content) that touchstone in the sensitive topic of treatment in the workplace, human resources, and dealing with arrogant employers who think they’re higher than mighty.Have you ever worked for a narcissist employer in the past that got away with wrongfully terminating you after openly claiming religion on-the-job… Read more inspiring words here

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A Quiet Benefit of #ThinkingPositive

You’re already one step ahead of naysayers, debbie downers, your former employer who set you up for wrongful termination and didn’t show up the day you were wrongfully terminated, and a “side hustle millionaire” in the making. Using the negative energy of those who belittled you and set you up in secrecy continually fuels your… Read more inspiring words here

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#TerminatedToMillionaire: 5 Ways to Defeat An Arrogant Rich Person After They Took an Opportunity Away From You

If a wealthy person offers you a unique opportunity you’re worthy of and displays an arrogant character to you beneath the surface-behind-the-scenes but has a straight face before people and appears humble before the general public and takes the opportunity away from you in secrecy, just know in the back of your mind it’s nothing… Read more inspiring words here

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#TerminatedToMillionaire: Discussion on Illegal Questions on #EmploymentApplications, #SideHustleMillionaire Achievement in #Entrepreneurship and #PositiveThinking

Workplace issues are a common thing everywhere. Be mindful what employers ask and what you put on an employment application. Most of the time. A majority of employers intentionally get out of line asking inappropriate questions a person’s marital status, height and weight, Etc. Employment applications with such absurd questions make job applicants who are… Read more inspiring words here