People will chatter about you in secret on the job while smiling in your face, acting like things are good.
Nobody in the workplace wants to know that you have a financially bulletproof exit strategy that produces a learning curve for them if they find out what you do on the side and try to replicate it.
Affiliate marketing is that “new new.” The [new new]? Oh yeah.
It’s the process of partnering with online advertisers and promoting their products or services for an “affiliate commission.”
Affiliate marketing can help bring out the best in you as a side hustler – digital marketer. In fact, it can bring out the best in you to the point of earning passive income to the public 9th step that you never return to the workforce a day in life.
But getting rich from affiliate marketing is no overnight operation.
If you’re already making money from home with your side hustle using affiliate marketing, don’t discuss it at the office, nor have any sort of “watercooler or locker room talk.”
Lastly, when you’re snubbed for a pay raise and promotion, use humility to keep moving forward and build out your online business. No employer wants to know you used their rejection to become a near future “side hustle millionaire.”
That’s the sweetest revenge.
Stay humble & hungry.
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