Dealing With Threats From a #NarcissisticEmployer

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve been secretly threatened by your employer that they would probably do something to you if you told on them? If the answer is yes, chances are you’re not the only one the narcissistic employer has threatened in secrecy. Little do they know or fail to acknowledge that when they threatened a person whether others know or not, the Creator of the universe knew their thoughts and what was in their heart before the narcissist employer vocalized it. Out of the heart, the mouth speaketh. If your employer who’s a secret narcissist has threatened you in any way shape or fashion, do not in any type of way give them the reaction they’re looking for in the moment by verbally going off on the defensive end. Minimize and cease your conversation with them immediately. Doing so will not allow the narcissist to misconstrue your your verbiage. Do not react to what they say for legal reasons. Become quiet as a pin drop and allow The Lord Jesus Christ to fight your battles. The battle Is Not Yours… Its the Lord’s!

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