Smile and remember “this is just a test.” The adversities you face now is testing their mindset to endure hardship as a good soldier in preparation for greatness. Don’t be surprised what emotional and entrepreneurial challenge comes your way. Face it with faith by going the extra mile in doing the transformation work, out of “inspiration or desperation.”
When you feel the pressure of life getting to you, that’s not your time to quit. Keep pushing and building. Don’t look at what you’re facing in the moment because it’s easy to throw your hands in the air. Think positive and imagine yourself 20 to 30 years from now in a certain place in life spiritually and entrepreneurially. Use every experience “positive and negative” as profitable experiences to enrich yourself spiritually and financially. Don’t chase people for friendships. Don’t ask your employer for a pay raise. Don’t ask your ex to come back and be in your life again. Think positive and know you can always do better without people who walked away from you.
You never know what goodness is up the road subliminally waiting for you. If you go through hardships now, you’ll be surprised what’s up the road waiting in terms of greatness. Keep going no matter what! 🙂
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