Todays thought: The same one who judges you because you’re unfit for their circle – clique and secretly talks about you behind your back is the same one who’l try to speak and act as if everything is good when they think and see you’re up “doing good.”
Your strength of finance is up to snuff after a life transformation. Your grade of education is exceeding expectation. You dress and act peculiar. You don’t associate with everyone and withdraw yourself from the crowd. You’re making power moves, traveling state to state, enjoying weekends and months alone traveling to Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, California. You’re not only are well on your way to a complete retirement from the day job scene, but also quietly getting revenge on your former employer by increasing your financial net worth as an aspiring “side hustle millionaire.”
People always come running back trying to speak direct or “speak through other people,” when they notice you’re well off without them.
Let your words be few, have a handkerchief to wipe the physical sweat off of your face, never let them see you spiritually sweat, humble yourself, and when they see you in that new outfit, hear about your new expensive house, and you pull up to the traffic light in that new expensive luxury vehicle, get real quiet and don’t utter one word or a pindrop to your naysayers.
It’s all a test to see what you’re spiritually and entrepreneurially made of as a side hustle millionaire in the making. Be respectful to your naysayers and debbie downers, even if they judge you to your face or overhear them in conversation judging you while conversing with their friends.
Lastly, it’s a 100% absolute blessing to get rich off of someone who judges you from the get-go without 0% knowledge of trials and tribulations you experienced in your past that shaped you into the person you are today and the way you think. Thank people quietly in your heart for quickly passing judgment on you for being an “out of place peculiar person that doesn’t fit in.” If possible, find a subliminally smooth way using an intellectul tactic to encourage them to keep doing what they’re doing “judging you.” They’re helping you succeed faster by keeping your entrepreneuriual and spiritual fire kindled in your heart to prosper. Little do they know they’re also helping you to achieve side hustle millionaire status “faster than Flash Gordon.” That’s something to rejoice about in your heart, because someone is taking the time to reduce their energy levels by focusing on you. You’re rich beyond imagination! 🙂
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