#Inspiration: It Can Come from Anyone and Anywhere

The LORD Jesus Christ continually has mercy on the founder of this site and is grateful to GOD for blessings undeserved.

dnn shamelessly acknowledges Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior with no shame whatsoever!

An open blog post-letter to Oracle.com founder Larry Ellison formerly of Brooklyn, N.Y.:

Like Larry Ellison, the successful founder of Oracle, Drewry is also from the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, New York. What Ellison and Drewry share in common is the undying motivation to prosper in the field of the internet. Most people hailing from New York City are quite passionate about side hustle entrepreneurship and think big by nature.

Dnn loves the fact that the Brooklyn counterpart Ellison of Oracle.com stayed focused since the mid-1970s after moving out of Brooklyn. It was a good experience growing up in New York City.

Building a side hustle business online from the ground floor up and it’s surely a beautiful labor of love. The adverse experiences from Dnn founder’s past and negative experiences from jealous family members and an “aunt who created enmity in the Drewry family by turning family members against Dnn’s founder,” inspired the founder to transform that negative energy into building an online business out of sheer inspiration. Special thanks to Oracle’s Larry Ellison for inspiring Drewry to never give up in online entrepreneurship.

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