#LooktotheFuture: Is it Better Working for Yourself or in a Cushy Job for a Money Hungry #Narcissist?

If you’ve noticed something online, there are blogs, articles, press releases and other reports floating online about “the future of job security in America.” When you read financial websites, you may potentially hear about some of America”s largest banking and pharmaceutical corporations, and how they”re laying off hundreds and or thousands of employees at once, due to financial difficulties.

If you’ve also noticed in reading news from around the web, you’ll also notice how people are starting to rely more on the Internet for their means of earning a full-time income, in addition to working for online startup companies, so they can gain first-hand experience by working for someone else in how the Internet works.

Related: Young Job Seekers Prefer Working at Startups [STUDY] – Mashable.com

Is there any more job security in America by working a traditional job? Or, is a quietly mandated in today”s society that one must have experience in knowing how to “work effectively on the Internet and have related technology experience,” in order to keep their heads above water, in getting a paycheck every two weeks from their job?

In an article on the Forbes website, it talks up the sensitive and thought-provoking topics of  “Starting a Company When You’re 25, Not 52.”

Are you getting organized with no delay, when it comes to being the CEO of your own business, or just procrastinating and allowing time to pass you by? Working for someone for 30-40 years today is nothing like the olden days, when you could work for someone else for thirty or forty years, and not worry about job security or if you”re going to make it to retirement.

It’s a wise choice starting when you’re young. This way, you don’t look back on your life and say to yourself quietly “I wish, I wish. Only if I had the courage to start back then.” Yes, it’s more work than a day job and no guarantees. However, it’s “beautiful struggle,” and a labor of love. Build your own business, so you don’t have to have no one telling you what to do in order to get a paycheck. You run your own show as Ceo. Success takes longer, but it’s all worth doing the transformation work. Make sure you keep your weight down so you have ample amounts of energy to sustain energy for required tasks in your business duties.

Narcissists who try to bring you down when you’re working for them see things in you that you probably don’t see in yourself at the moment. Or you probably see what they see in you and keep your potential concealed (not discussing it). When they do you wrong, that’s a silent indicator they can’t afford you. They’ll deny you pay raises or offer you a pay raise in the form of a can of beans, sitting back enjoying the benefits of you blitzing their pockets with flooded earnings. Little do they know they’ve grandfathered in their failure. They have no clue how they’ve derailed themselves by duping you over. When all is said and done, you walk away with your head held high, start your own business, and in a few short years, thankful for the adversity you’ve experienced to potentially become a millionaire from your own business venture (s). In the midst of confusion, there’s something to smile about. Never settle for sloppy seconds from a narcissist employer, and never place your signature on something you don’t understand, especially when an employer wants you to sell your soul to them.

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