Negativity Can Increase Opportunity and #PositiveThinking

People turning on you can impact your thinking patterns in the moment. Especially when it’s people close to you, such as family members or a mate. Did you know there’s hidden profit in adversity and people turning their backs on you? They subliminally inspire you to be better. Work smarter and harder. Thinking more strategically. That’s why it’s important, regardless of what’s stacked against you, to always be positive.


People can be defeated. It starts with a positive thought and doing the transformation work afterwards.


In other words, your haters can make you really, really rich. And rich goes way beyond the financial aspect. Rich is also associated with an increase of spiritual understanding, a greater respect for life, improving your relationship techniques “business and personal,” and lastly, the $ gUaP $.

People turning on you is a blessing. They leave behind profits they can never have and make you “really really rich!”

When the mental attacks step up, that means you’re biggest breakthrough is RIGHT around the corner. Keep doing the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation! 🙂 🙂 🙂

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