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#TerminatedToMillionaire: 5 Ways to Defeat An Arrogant Rich Person After They Took an Opportunity Away From You

If a wealthy person offers you a unique opportunity you’re worthy of and displays an arrogant character to you beneath the surface-behind-the-scenes but has a straight face before people and appears humble before the general public and takes the opportunity away from you in secrecy, just know in the back of your mind it’s nothing… Read more inspiring words here

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#PositiveThinking: 5 Ways to Avoid Drama at Work

Humble yourself Let your words be few Eventhough you might be right, speak softly but walk tall Walking away doesn’t mean you’re less of a person for doing so Use negativity from your narcissist employer or co-worker to build your side hustle business and stay focused quietly on achieving “side hustle millionaire” status. ​Navigating workplace… Read more inspiring words here

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Your Former Employer Did This Right Before They Set You Up in Secret for #WrongfulTermination

#TerminatedToMillionaire is more than a transformation in the making. Be thakful yur former employer slipped up. They handed their power over to you without knowing what they did. And their actions are “irreversible.” They will be held accountable before you know WHO! P.S. There is no such thing as “divorce and remarriage.” As long as… Read more inspiring words here