#Philanthrophy: A Wonderful Act of Giving from the Heart by #SarahBlakely

Here’s another honorable example of female entrepreneurship and leadership. Sarah Blakely. At age 29 she used her life savings $5,000 to start her own business. Of course, she met challenges along the way. Her path to entrepreneurial success was not easy. Especially, trying to succeed in a business world dominated by men. Through it all, she not only made a positive mark by thriving in her business endeavors, but also, earning over a healthy 1 billion in honest profits.

Today, not only is she a true business transformation champion and continues to succeed, but most importantly thinks of others through positive thinking and giving back.

Sarah is admired and respected by Dnn and Forbes. She never gave up when things became challenging in her business and life. Blakely is someone aspiring and current entrepreneurs should look up to for inspiration and business mentoring, because she’s truly inspiring.

Thank you for just being you Sarah Blakely and passing the torch of inspiration to others to be successful entrepreneurs. No matter how small you start in your humble business beginnings, always have faith in your ability, don’t quit when things become challenging, and you too someday can be just as successful as Blakely.

Never give up, regardless the time it takes for you to succeed in running your own business with positive thinking.If she can overcome adversity, so can you. Special thanks Forbes.com for posting another inspiring YouTube.com video.

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