You have aunts, cousins, and possibly uncles jealous of you since you were a kid. They allegedly harbored jealousy toward you because they think you had it easy in life. They continue to secretly hate you today because though you are family and blood related to them, they can’t relate to you at family events nor on a personal level.
They slander your name, distance themselves from you, offer no emotional support, and act like a saint, when in actuality they’re out to set you up and me no good toward you. Forgive your family members anyway and love them from a distance. Use their negativity as positive motivation and stay in a positive state of mind while working on your life transformation and achieving the near future status of “side hustle millionaire.” Your family doesn’t believe in you because you don’t fit in and too peculiar. But your family’s negativity towards you can be your biggest inspiration and spiritually motivating vehicle to profit off of their jealousy and hatred toward you as a near future side hustle millionaire.
How would you feel if you felt adversely about a family member, and they quietly used your negative feelings to become a millionaire off of you, with a 0% return on your investment?
Stay humble in the process of experiencing near future abnormal success because when people write you off such as family members, employers, and ex’s, it’s the same people that try to come running back speaking direct or “speaking through other people,” when they find out you’re doing good without them and became a [side hustle millionaire].
There’s more to life than making money, because “life is a daily fight inside your mind in achieving supremacy over adversity.”
Stay humble and hungry. 🙂
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