Everyone has fake family members harboring secret jealousy towards them. It’s not until a situation occurs when you need a fake family member “aunt, uncle or cousin” to help you with something in the time of need. It’s in those times of need that a so-called family member who says they love you shows “their true character – beneath the surface persona.”
They smile to your face, give you dap, hugs, and tell you how much love they have standing before you. Behind your back, they tear you down, ignore you, slander you, refuse to pay you back the money they owe you “if they owe you anything,” and laugh about what they did to you to others. When they find out later on you achieved “side hustle millionaire” status, they’re likely to come running back trying to speak and act as if everything is good like they did nothing wrong. These are the types of people you have to cut off for good in life, and act as if you never knew them.
Food for thought: Your biggest motivation in life to succeed and staying in a positive state of mind comes from the most unusual sources. Your true character will be tested in times of adversity and “when people switch up on you.” [When people switch up on you], use that as your biggest positive motivation to take your positive thinking and goal objectives to the “public 9th step,” by doing the transformation spiritual, entrepreneurial, and physical fitness work out of inspiration or desperation.
Just because someone thinks less of you or does you wrong doesn’t mean your value as a person is worthless. You have a soul. Your worth is priceless. If they fail to acknowledge your worth and neglect you, that’s their loss and your spiritual and financial gain.
With positive thinking and works and looking past the nonsense people put you through in a moment, you’re destined to achieve more than the near future status of [side hustle millionaire]. Hang in there and keep doing the transformation work! 🙂
Additional food for thought: What are you doing today to help build someone up to achieve greatness? Are you volunteering in your local community? Are you helping your church financially? Are you sharing kind words with others anywhere you go to help them feel good about themselves? Do you give someone a pat on the back and tell them “good job,” or other kind things to make a person feel good about themselves enough to pay it forward and do good for others?
This is something to truly think about in recalibrating the “spiritual fitness of your heart.” True [transformation] is a lifetime process starting with the curation of your soul, mind, heart, and lastly, the body. Transformation is more than losing weight and looking good on the outside, drinking protein shakes, and running 26.2 mile marathons and successfully crossing the finish line.
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