#SideHustleMilionaire: Becoming a Near Future Millionaire off of #Employers and #Family Who Doubted You

What person do you know that has experienced nothing but goodness without going through something negative? What person do you know has achieved millionaire status without knowing how it is to go without anything? What person do you know grow spiritually without experiencing distancing by family members? What person do you know has achieved anything good without first walking in the rain? How many negative experiences must you go through before you realize those those negative experiences are nothing more then subliminal lessons in preparation for Eternal and entrepreneurial greatness? Life’s challenges are engineered to show you your strengths and weaknesses.

Believe it or not, every negative experience in your life can make you a millionaire. How much longer will you go before realizing it’s long overdue for you to start your own business? Positive thinking and an entrepreneurial mindset has a unique way of bringing out hidden qualities you never knew you had. Maybe you’ve been putting off that business idea for so long because of financial constraints, working too hard in being a yes person for your unthankful employer, and multitasking doing other things that mentally distracted you for a while from launching your own business.

The good news is the internet is here to stay and provides anyone the opportunity with a positive mindset and an entrepreneurial Vision to take every negative experience whether it be from an employer, family member, phony friend, next door neighbor, or anyone else and use the negative energy dished out from people to keep your fire lit and building your business from scratch. When someone does you wrong, don’t you feel you have something to prove to yourself that you’re worth it? Starting a business and staying focused on your online business venture is a great way to unleash your true creative business potential and build yourself up entrepreneurially from the ground floor up. Never mind what people say and do to you wrong. Never mind how long it takes for you to build your business and learn patience along the way. It’s all about the end result. You can and will become a side hustle millionaire if you believe in yourself and do the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation. If you had a family member slander you or an employer wrongfully terminated you, you ought to be thankful that happened. The hidden valuable lessons in those experiences will help you point things out to others to look for ahead of time when they experience the same things you did in the past. This will put you in the positive position to be a thought leader and help you get one step closer to making money online 24 hours a day and becoming a millionaire faster than Flash Gordon.

If you happen to bump into someone who said or did wrong against you in the future after you became a millionaire and they see you in that brand new car or whipping out wads of cash when purchasing something from the store, don’t be surprised if they tried to speak to you and be nosey in your business in the moment while you’re styling and profiling. This is part of the beauty of transforming negativity using the power of positivity.

When they think they’re bringing you down to build themselves up, they’re actually bringing themselves down spiritually and subliminally building you up. Be thankful for every bad life experience.

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