2021 is a year of new beginnings for many. The new year inspired people to make all sorts of changes. From pursuing higher education, restarting fitness transformations, mending relationships, achieving gainful employment, and mental preparations for all kinds of good things to come in the near future. But in order to achieve change, you must be willing to give up something or something in order to grow.
5 helpful hints on things to work on to benefit from growth and greatness in 2021:
- Get out of your comfort mindset: Almost everyone is guilty of this, including the author of this article. A comfort mindset comes with being human. Striving for excellence to get out of the comfort mindset inspires you subliminally to do things you normally wouldn’t do. In turn, coming up out of your cocoon-comfort mindset-comfort zone sparrows spontaneous growth. A comfort mindset can literally be anything you’re used to doing as a habit that doesn’t profit your growth.
- Develop a schedule for exercise: Exercise is in elixir for not only curating the mind and body in feeling and looking healthier, but it also reduces visits to the doctor. Maybe you’re one of millions of people, including the author of this article, that slacked too long on exercising and became mentally and physically sluggish. 2021 is a new opportunity to reprogram your mind and body through “transformational resetting.” Take any days of the week for exercise and certain days to work on certain muscle groups.
- Reprogram your mind with positive messages: If you’re always reading the news about politics and other current events about what’s going on in the community adversely, chances are you will be affected mentally and emotionally for what you’ve read online or off-line. This means avoidance of viewing political news, ignoring YouTube videos that promote violence in rap music, and operating going to the movies to watch horror flicks. Read positive articles online and change your program viewing preferences. When least expected, you’ll notice your train of thought will slowly but surely start changing.
- Build relationships with new people and do nice things for them without expectation: Leave people behind that judged you based off of hearsay. Don’t bother relying on them for anything. Instead, keep a positive mindset and seek out groups of people to build friendships and business relationships with. Don’t be surprised if people from your past are quietly keep track of your progress long after parting ways with them through online and offline “foot soldiers,” and try to show up years later after you’ve amassed great success.
- Start a business whereas you’re independent from relying on one source of income: Working for someone else paycheck to paycheck and giving your all to a company will leave you drained of energy and broke in the long run. Side hustles are today’s new new of financial security and self employment. It’s okay to have a job and start a side hustle. But don’t go on the job telling people you have a home-based business. Start your work from home based side hustle and keep it quiet. People that work with you will allegedly become envious after discovering you have a remote work from home side hustle that made you an online millionaire. Side hustling will keep you independent from relying solely on your job for a paycheck, promotion, and a salary hike.
‘Stay Focused’
2021 is not a year for you to stay in old thinking. As the new year is already ahead quickly, you’ll hopefully be inspired by tis post to develop creative ideas for your personal development.
Questions and feedback are always welcome.
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