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The power of thinking positive

It has the ability to overcome rejection on all fronts. It has the ability to make you humble. It has the ability to move you forward in your spiritual and entrepreneurial journey. Positive thinking has the ability to make you a future millionaire despite countless rejection from family, narcissist employers, phony friends, and rejection by… Read more inspiring words here

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#PositiveThought of the Day: Building A Positive Character – [It Costs Not One Penny]

The ability to transform yourself into better well-being costs nothing but time, effort, and determination to forge into a transformed being. Does it really cost you to do a morning walk, lift your own body weight, and stay focused? Nope. It builds tolerance, patience, spiritual stamina, and so much more, without spending money. Transformation helps… Read more inspiring words here

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How to defeat a narcissist with humility

Let God work things out and be mindful that your verbiage is at a minimum. Little do they know the war they think they’re waging against you they’re waging against the Creator, who is the Lord Jesus Christ and God Alone.

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#WinnersandLosers: Guess What, #Narcissist? You Lose!

The power of positive thinking and doing the transformation work in moving forward and not looking back nor giving reactions to those who look for a specific reaction builds spiritual strength to endure hardship with a bright future to look forward to. Amen.