Is There a Such Thing as Negatively Evolving? Or Is it Always Positive?

When you attack a child of GOD, you’re not attacking them. You’re attacking The LORD Jesus Christ, who is GOD almighty. No one wins fights against HIM.

Evolving and succeeding in today’s world of uncertainty requires getting out of your mental comfort zone. Always have a plan B , C, D, and so on when plan A is simply not working.  You can get more contracts in your own business from untapped clientele through prayer, positive thinking, and having a visionary mindset where you desire to be. When narcissists attack you and your demeanor for whatever reason, do the transformation work by staying humble, minimizing your verbiage, having a calm demeanor, and most importantly, thanking the narcissist and their cohort (s) for attacking you. It means you were seriously disrupting their shine and sees things in you that you probably didn’t see in yourself in the moment, desiring to destroy you before you could reach your full spiritual potential.

When haters hate and attack, counterattack that. Not with physical violence, but complex intelligence. Show them your mental and spiritual defense is intellectually relentless. Doing so will put them on the defensive end and feeling vulnerable in the end.

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