narcissist employer

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Maybe This Will Help You #ThinkPositive During the #GovernmentShutdown Crisis

Despite Donald Trump holding the government and Americans hostage with the shutdown crisis looming over the country and federal workers furloughed, there still an opportunity for furloughed government workers to start an online business and successfully transition from employee to entrepreneur. There is millions and millions of dollars awaiting to quietly be earned on the… Read more inspiring words here

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#TerminatedToMillionaire: don’t be surprised if your former employer contacts you years later or tries to speak when they see you in public after they find out you became a #SideHustleMillionaire

Why are you still on track for success? The LORD Jesus Christ who is GOD and GOD alone is not going to leave you out in the cold. HE makes a way out of every way for those who diligently seek HIM.     Guess what? Your former employer is in for big trouble. They… Read more inspiring words here

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#PositiveThought of the Day: Building A Positive Character – [It Costs Not One Penny]

The ability to transform yourself into better well-being costs nothing but time, effort, and determination to forge into a transformed being. Does it really cost you to do a morning walk, lift your own body weight, and stay focused? Nope. It builds tolerance, patience, spiritual stamina, and so much more, without spending money. Transformation helps… Read more inspiring words here