Workplace issues are a common thing everywhere. Be mindful what employers ask and what you put on an employment application. Most of the time. A majority of employers intentionally get out of line asking inappropriate questions a person’s marital status, height and weight, Etc. Employment applications with such absurd questions make job applicants who are unaware of such illegal questions uncomfortable. Why? Because it’s a little too personal and it may violate a person’s privacy status by feeling quietly forced to answer inappropriate questions as a subliminal means of showing the prospective employer how interested they are in achieving gainful employment with the company they’re applying to for a job.
This is exactly why job applicants must educate themselves ahead of time what to say and what not to say on an employment application to a prospective employer.
Most people seeking gainful employment never feel comfortable applying for employment where personal questions are asked such as height, weight, race, and other sensitive questions. Most job applicants answered illegal questions because they have no clue the employer is violating the law asking illegal questions and their thinking in the moment of just getting a job. For educated job applicants being asked illegal questions by a prospective employer, their educated to the point of knowing ahead of time the employer is pressing their luck by asking illegal questions in hopes of gaining personal information upfront as a subliminal means of judging job applicants, as most employers claim the reason for asking such sensitive questions is for government recording purposes. Educated job applicants no such questions immediately raises red flags in their mind and that employer is truly not worth filing an employment application with.
This is why people should get out of the day job mindset working for someone else and get into the “side hustle millionaire” mindset by thinking positive enough of themselves to consider entrepreneurship and stop making traditional employers rich, when in the and targeted employees get wrongfully terminated for subliminal reasons such as claiming religion on the job and not fitting into the corporate culture.
While a regular job is good to have because you need to pay bills and keep a roof over your head, positive thinking has a unique way of taking anyone from humble beginnings to spiritual and entrepreneurial greatness. If you feel an employer is not hiring you because you’re different in any kind of way or you’ve been wrongfully terminated, now’s the time for you to change your way of thinking and take your personal ambition to the public 9th step by believing in yourself and doing the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation.
Lastly, don’t focus on perfection. You’re going to make tons of mistakes on the way to success on a spiritual and entrepreneurial level. In fact, you’ll find yourself failing your way success and achieving “side hustle millionaire” status. Keep doing the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation regardless and never give up, regardless how many employers wrongfully terminate you or who walks away from you after promising you the world.
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