If the answer is yes, always know that documentation is crucial and 100% necessary to cover yourself. In some cases, you also need to document using an audio device, just in case your employer or coworkers tried to set you up and say you threaten them when they threaten you.
The following are a few things to think about – food for thought when documenting your employer when you feel harassed or threatened by them:
Documenting what said in a meeting is crucial because not only do they serve as good future talking points, but it’s also recorded what someone said verbatim and it is good to build from in terms of using what someone said as a talking point in a public presentation, or a talking point when requesting a future pay raise.
Always be clear and concise when preparing reports – documentation. This is a good move for employees looking to move up in a company to be clear and concise when preparing reports. It helps you stay on point with accountability and consistency strength. Documenting with clear and concise detail in reports to adds to an employee’s experience mentally and holds the employer accountable for anything wrongfully said or done. Be mindful to exactly record the date and time on paper and audio as a means of being clear and concise before submitting any documentation to the Department of Labor-EEOC for investigation of the employer and their organization.
Food for thought: Employees have certain workplace protections such as protections in recruiting, segregation and classification of employees, harassment and hostile work environment, employee compensation, and privileges of employment in addition to the LGBTQA. President Kennedy was the first president to use affirmative action.
Going through trials and tribulations with narcissist employers who secretly set up targeted employee for wrongful termination indirectly inspire them to a better team player in the workplace. And little do narcissist employers know that when they set up the wrong person for wrongful termination, they not only degrade their own image and show their true home training, but they also bring the entrepreneur out of the targeted employee for wrongful termination and indirectly motivate them to achieve the future status of “side hustle millionaire.”
No employee wants to go job to job job to be set up by an employer or coworkers for wrongful termination because they don’t fit in with company culture, claim religion on-the-job, etc., etc. that employee, sooner or later, will get frustrated and start their own business and become a [side hustle millionaire], leaving the narcissist employer to feel high and dry and stuck on stupid, when that narcissist employer find out years later the one they disliked, talk bad about allegedly behind the employees back, and set up for wrongful termination is now a “millionaire.” When that narcissist employer sees that form employee out of public years later with that brand-new car, hear about that employee having a brand-new half a million-dollar home and multiple streams of income flowing into their bank account making more money than that narcissist employer, that person can’t say one word to the former employee. How would you feel if this was you and you did that to an employee and they ended up becoming not only blessed and a “side hustle millionaire” times over?
What does Human Resource training and HRM classes do for you in your personal opinion: HR classes, in my personal opinion, teaches me to better deal with people and to take a soft and warm approach dealing with everyone in the workplace because nowadays, I value how others feel because they too are human and most importantly, I have to work with them. So by me taking these classes, it helps me to better understand myself and continue the journey of doing the inner transformation work of being a better person in and out of the workplace. This is why I appreciate taking this human resources class.
How does this lesson relate to something you have already learned outside of this class?
Past and present employment experience combined with positive thinking helps anyone to be a well-rounded-seasoned working professional and future “side hustle millionaire entrepreneur.” And in my most recent past experience with one particular employer, I had it challenging yet very negative experience concerning not fitting into the company culture and claiming religion in the workplace when asked why I couldn’t work on Sundays. One thing I can truly say is though I went through and negative situation with my past employer and was wrongfully terminated, it was actually a blessing in disguise because there were hidden gems to be uncovered and valuable lessons to be learned. It brought something good out of me such as the “side hustle entrepreneur and millionaire in the making.”
Once millionaire status is achieved not far from now, I plan on sharing my knowledge and experience with people in future public speaking students and open their minds to transform their way of thinking, and using negatives to turn into positives and profit along the way through “side hustle entrepreneurship.” It hurts to go through something in the moment when you’re learning the ins and outs of this uncertain game called life, but it helps you in the long run and makes you that much stronger spiritually and entrepreneurially. Truly I can say “the struggle and lessons learned outside of this class made me who I am today,” and keeps me humble to the point of staying humble after I earned my first million dollars.
Why do you think you were required to learn this content?
I wasn’t required to learn this content. I chose to do this class of free will because at first, I thought of it as just adding something of additional HR educational my resume, alongside earning a B.S. in Marketing. Moreover, I really appreciate going through these HR classes because it’s helping me to discover hidden strengths and other weaknesses within self. I feel I had more weaknesses than I thought and the classes and life is teaching me patience and humility.
I opened my mind to learning this content because I have a true desire to use HR classes and the valuable relationships I built with my instructors and classmates along the way to not only forge lifelong friendships with instructors and classmates, but also be an honorable example of anything I put my mind to, while lifting others up along the way. I believe that’s “true transformation of the heart,” when a person gains valuable life experience and/or priceless education in the classroom, unselfishly building others up without expectation.
Never let an employer say or do things to you without the documenting their actions. Even if the EEOC investigation is allegedly suppressed because the employer suspected he has an inside connection, you can still use the documentation to your advantage by starting your own business and sharing with others how to deal with negative workplace situations, should a situation arise where as they have to deal with certain things between employer and employee.
Hopefully, this former assignment will help you get creative and have sound judgment as a current employee in your place of employment now and help you move ahead if something like this were to happen to you.
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