The greatest trick Satan pulled on your employer

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled on the entire world was convincing the dumbfounded that he never existed. If you believe Satan doesn’t exist, you’re a lost soul. The second greatest trick Satan pulled on your employer was convincing them that getting you wrongfully terminated was the right thing to do by trying to force you to sign a contract against your free will.


Your employer is a servant of the serpent. Their mission. Their mission is to enslave your mind soul and Body in turning you into a yes woman or yes man and having you do what they want under their complete control. Your employer says nasty things to you behind the scenes when no one is around or says snarly things in a way in front of people that they can’t convey the complete message.



When you start going to church and claiming religion on the job, be prepared for your servant of the serpent employer to come at you with everything they have to seek your wrongful termination.



Never rely on a job for your income. Starting your own business is the true way to financial freedom and the lifestyle you desire. It’s time to take back power from your employer by praying first and seeking direction, followed by coming up with a creative idea to start your own business. Your employer hates to hear about prayer, church, and living right. The more your employer hates it the more that should inspire you to take control of your life.



Your employer will be baffled when they find out in secrecy you became a millionaire long after they treated you wrong and got you secretly terminated. Food for thought.

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