The Truth About #WWE Star #JohnCena

John Cena of was about to get married to his girlfriend Nikki Bella. If Cena didn’t already know, he’s living in adultery. John Cena was previously married in which his first wife is still in the land of the living.


Truth is, scriptural law prohibits married couples from divorcing and remarrying as long as your first spouse is still living. Violating scripture is an open act of adultery and sin. John Cena did the right thing by backing out of his second marriage proposal to Nikki Bella because his first wife is still alive. Regardless if he divorced his first wife, he’s still bound by scriptural law that he’s married to her no matter what. John Cena is better off walking away from Nikki Bella by putting her out of his mansion, forgetting she exists, and going back to his first wife in marriage reconciliation

Divorce and remarriage is Null and void to everyone after saying I do. Breaking the sacred vow of marriage is an open violation of the Bible and a willing act of adultery.


Go back to your first wife, John. Forget Nikki exists. Stop living in adultery and do the right thing!

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