#ThinkingPositive: You Can Prosper Over Adversity

Your adversary comes as a roaring lion. He will use whomever he can to fulfill his purpose. S___n seeks whom he may devour. Some people want to see you fail. They want to see you locked up, so they can rejoice and gift one another and give high fives in saying “great job.” It can’t happen without you know Who’s permission.

Arming yourself with the full armor against spiritual warfare doesn’t consist of carnal earthly armor. Your spiritual armor against warfare consist of spiritually and mentally arming yourself against the fiery darts of S___n and his demonic servants. They can plot all they want, but they can’t prosper. Nothing can happen with special permission. And when special permission is not granted, Baal and his servants can’t do anything.

This is why it’s positively important to stay in prayer, being sincere in tarrying and fasting, and doing so earnestly from the heart. Nothing can be hidden on the day of Pentecost. Nothing.

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