Thought of the day: You can be a sociable person with someone who doesn’t completely understand you, though you’re seen by today’s generation as a “weirdo.” Positive thinking allows you to capitalize off of a group of people or someone who sees you in a certain light first time around. It’s a good feeling knowing that type of motivation fuels your quiet ambition to continue building your business and achieve more than one of the many goals of getting rich. It’s “game on,” when you’re able to take someone’s words and run with it, use the awesome power of positive thinking to positively build off of it, stay humble in the process of becoming a near future millionaire, and benefit from “spiritual growth – maturity.” That’s true transformational leadership, and quietly demonstrating who has the “business and spiritual muscle for the hustle.” Agree? 🙂
People generally don’t understand others when meeting them for the first time and getting to know them from “jump street.” Don’t walk around with virtual blinds on like a horse on the sides of your eyes when it comes to thinking bigger in the moment when dealing with a challenge. Get quiet when they say things to try to get a reaction from you. Look to the future. Use your current situation as a stepping stone, and a spiritual and emotional growing point.
Learn to be sociable with people. That can’t be emphasized enough. Share a few good laughs. Say something stupid for no reason to see how people will react to you. Know your role. Stay humble in the process of “getting rich.”
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