1. Stay calm and think positive: This is just a test to see what you’re made of. No job is perfect. No employer is perfect. There are employers in this world who take sheer delight in harassing peculiar employees while they continue getting away with it. These types of employers who harass peculiar employees also judge the peculiar employee as a “weirdo.” Have you experienced workplace harassment to the point where your employer called you a [weirdo] in front of people and thought it was funny, before you put them in their place religiously? If the answer is yes, that workplace harassment situation is a subliminal indicator that the job is not going to work for you long-term. Moreover, it’s a spiritual test when enduring harassment from your employer to think positive and look to the future.
When the narcissist employer notices you’re staying calm in the moment after they harassed you feeling it’s another occurrence of them sweeping it under the rug and getting away with harassing you, you’ll notice the narcissist will allegedly try to befriend you later down the road. It’s important and mandated that you forgive your employer for the way she or he treated you. However, you’re not obligated to trust them. You’re also under no obligation to associate or converse with them outside the workplace. Staying calm allows you to choose and disperse your words wisely for the purpose of avoiding saying the wrong thing to your employer and having them falsely accuse you. Thinking positively allows you to use the harassment in the moment to profit from your employer spiritually and financially later down the road without taking them to court on the charge of “workplace harassment.” If you can get through that test of and during workplace harassment from your employer and coworkers by staying calm and thinking positive, it’ll profit you spiritually and entrepreneurially years to come. Always remember that it’s “mind over matter.” The more nonsense you deal with from coworkers in your narcissist employer in the workplace consistently, the bigger your financial victory will be in longevity. Let their hate increase your financial weight.
2. Wear a smartwatch and make sure you have WIFI connection synced to an account to auto-transfer audio: Before wearing a smartwatch to the workplace for purpose of catching your employer off guard saying something unlawful to you, be mindful to check with your local and state laws concerning wearing recording devices to your place of employment. Reason being is because you don’t want to be cited for breaking the law by recording your employer, even if they are saying something out of turn, disrespecting you and “breaking the law” in the moment. If you decide to purchase a smart watch with recording capability, be mindful that it has Wi-Fi features available on the Smart watch before purchasing. Having a Wi-Fi connection and the ability to instantly transfer audio 20 account you specify such as Google drive, dropbox, or other sites that allow you to host audio files free or with paid subscription allows you to have a peace of mind knowing the recordings of your employer smiting you with their mouth it won’t be swept under the rug and exposed in due time.
A smartwatch allows you to smoothly check your employer off guard and playback in the court of law if needed. You can take your employer to court and catch them in a lie if they are on the stand testifying that they didn’t save this or didn’t say that. A smart watch allows you to instantly check your employer off guard without walking around with a cell phone or bulky cassette recorder that makes it look obvious you have a potential recording device only. Amazon, eBay, and other sites have smart watches with recording capability and Wi-Fi potentially available. Once again, make sure you check with your local and state laws before wearing smart watches to your job, so you are compliant and don’t get wrongfully charged while your employer continues to harass others in the workplace and gets off Scott-free.
3. Bulletproof your documentation by having a folded piece of paper in your pocket and pen to manually record the date and time of the occurrence your employer harassed you: In addition to potentially wearing a smartwatch in the workplace, you always want, work prepared to endorse some type of workplace harassment. With that said, having a hand in your pocket with a blank folded piece of paper allows you to be on guard if in the event your employer starts flapping off their garments at you sideways.
If you’re able to have a smart watch in the workplace legally, find some type of way you can start auto recording your employer when they start flipping the mouth off at you without making things look obvious. Moreover, the exact moment your employer or coworkers start harassing you for being a peculiar person, instantly look at the time the occurrence started. Mentally record the exact time and accurate date of the occurrence. Immediately turn on your smart watch and start recording if applicable. Once the harassment comes to a temporary cease, exit the workplace production floor and see if you can get somewhere to start documenting one paper using your pen. Preferably a bathroom stall. Jot down everything your employer said that you have memory of if you didn’t use your smartwatch to record your boss or coworkers of what they wrongfully said to you.
While you’re documenting on paper, keep in organized file in your apartment, condominium or house stored in a safe place organized by date of every wrongful occurrence made by coworkers and or your employer, if in the event you have to use the documentation for arbitration purposes, or taking the Corporation to court to sue them for millions of dollars in damages. If it ever comes to the point you have to sue your employer and feel you have enough evidence on your smartwatch audio and manual documentation whereas you can forward this workplace harassment issue to arbitration or sue them in a court of law, consult with your attorney first before taking legal action or confronting your employer about what she or he has done wrongfully to you in acts of workplace harassment. Most employers don’t want to have their wrong doings exposed in front of an arbitrator or showcased in front of a grand jury in court. Believe it or not, most employers are willing to do an out-of-court settlement to avoid being exposed in court and having their company exposed on major news networks. Once you get used to catching your employer on smart watch recordings and used to the habit of documenting your employer manually using pen and paper, you’ll never let any employer slip out of your hands ever again harassing you in the workplace.
Workplace harassment lawsuits can run in the millions. And if you feel you’re being harassed now by your current employer, definitely take a look into purchasing a smart watch with recording capability and instant Wi-Fi connection. If you end up purchasing a smart watch with Wi-Fi enabled and recording ability, create and think in account where your audio files will be automatically transferred without lifting in the extra finger. This is how you can back up your content if in the event your employer or someone on the job tries to take your smart watch away from you after discovering you recorded them in secrecy.
4. Start working “if you haven’t already done so” on your alternative plan to exit your job if in the event you get wrongfully terminated by starting a work from home based side hustle: Face it. The Internet is here to stay. The average person comes home from work and searches the Internet for all kinds of reasons. Maybe they use the Internet to pay bills and read the news before turning the computer off. Others use the Internet for online dating purposes. A savvy entrepreneurial minded person uses the Internet to quietly generate remote based income working from home or from the laptop as a digital nomad. The traditional mindset of getting up in the morning and going to a regular day job working from paycheck to paycheck is bad thinking in today’s era of job uncertainty.
It doesn’t matter in today’s world if you have a college degree and on the job for almost 30 years. If a coworker, shift manager, assistant vice president, or a member of management has it out for you for personal reasons and you’re not in a union, you will become the quiet subliminal target for wrongful termination. With that said, the Internet allows anyone from all walks of life and anywhere in the world with an instant Internet connection and an ambitious and creative mindset to start a side hustle doing something they love. No need to worry if you have no previous experience with online marketing or developing a web-based application. The Internet is driven by content published to blogs, websites, forums and press releases.
When you start your own blog or website and create compelling and informative content for your target reading audience and stay consistent with your content marketing goals for 2 to 3 years consistently, you successfully set up a plan B for generating passive income outside of your regular job. Even if you’re not the target of a future wrongful termination and get along well with your employer and coworkers, you still want to create a plan B for generating a secondary source of income. You don’t know if the company you work for will fold up and hand you a pink slip down the road. You don’t know if that government organization you work for will have something happen to the specific department you work for and potentially lay off government workers “even if you’re unionized.” This is why the plan B for starting a work from home or digital nomad based side hustle is mandatory as an unwritten rule in today’s era of employment uncertainty.
If you have a narcissist employer you currently work for that insistently starts trouble with you and you feel the purpose of the narcissist is to wrongfully take your job away from you in the near future, you definitely need to look into the side hustle of “affiliate marketing and blogging” as a means of generating quite income working from home in your spare time. If you’ve always had a dream of starting your own business and didn’t have enough money to start out traditionally, always know it only costs a fraction of what you think startup costs are to start your own side hustle online. In the online work of freelancing and side hustles, all you need is ambition, creativity, a domain name, a dedicated server, and a self hosted installation of WordPress hosted on your dedicated server. Afterwards, pick a topic you’re interested in talking about on your block. Go from there in introducing yourself to the Internet world by creating an introductory blog post. Afterwards, talk about something you’re interested in or you know much about.
Sharing what you know with your target blog reading audience will build traffic from search engines, bulletproof your Plan B side hustle in making a smooth exit from your day job while striving to leave on good terms with your narcissist employer, and help you make more money than your boss. It takes roughly 2 to 3 years of consistent work online and building up your side hustle to earn steady streams of passive income to the point of never needing a day job ever to get a life. And the beauty of starting a side hustle online is there’s no age limitation or glass ceiling. In other words, no need to worry if you have no previous experience using the Internet to start a work from home based side hustle. And no need to worry if you’re just starting a side hustle working from home at 50 or 60 years old without knowing from jump street what you’re doing. Working online as a side hustle allows you to learn as you go along, going from amateur to “ask the expert,” while holding down a regular job. Imagine 2 to 3 years from now making enough money from the Internet and leaving your job for good? It’s possible if you believe in yourself and do the transformation business work, starting now by taking that leap of faith into the abyss of side hustle entrepreneurial uncertainty.
5. Use talking points from your employer wrongfully harassing you or threatening you in the workplace as motivation to create valuable content for your blog or website, when sharing documentation with others on line of what your employer did as a means of building up your site content and making money online: Is there an occurrence your employer or coworkers verbally harassed you saying something that stood out in your mind? Did you document that? If you did, take that talking point your co-worker or employer said to you wrongfully. Create a YouTube video about it and discuss your personal feelings with your video audience how you felt in that situation. This is one of many ways of using workplace adversity to build your side hustle online from the ground floor up, putting you in the future drivers seat to benefit from being an online millionaire. You can also use that talking point from your coworker or employer of what they set you sideways ignorantly, and create content for your blog in sharing with others what the person wrongfully said to you. That can be the center topic of your blog about creative ways to overcome workplace harassment and be a future “side hustle millionaire.” If you highlight talking points in your YouTube videos and blog posts of what coworkers or your employer said to you wrongfully, you benefit from having your content shared aggressively across YouTube and major social networks, giving you free advertising and potential to earn money from affiliate links in your YouTube video descriptions and ads on your blog.
‘Walking Away After You’ve Been Wronged Without Retaliation’
Sometimes, It doesn’t pay to take your employer and Company to court or dish it out in litigation. It would eat the employer’s mind up if you just moved on and did nothing. Many employers allegedly set up peculiar employees for the purpose of having them wrongfully arrested and terminated. If you refuse to take legal action against your employer for the wrong they’ve done to you in the workplace or a coworker, it doesn’t mean you’re less of a person. It simply means you choose to have peace in your life and move on without dealing with the nonsense. Build your business from the ground floor up by starting a work from home based side hustle. When you start your side hustle as a Plan B for generating a secondary source of income, be mindful not to tell any one on your job or family members. You don’t want anyone sabotaging you while you’re building your business quietly.
It would eat up an employer’s mind before and after wrongful termination of your job that you ended up being a millionaire and defeated them at their own game without taking them to court. If you sick and tired of working a regular job and tired of wondering when you’ll get a pay raise, promotion, or that narcissist employer getting off your back with indirect subliminal harassment, now’s the time for you to start your side hustle in the new year using the power of positive thinking, faith and works. Put your creative business ideas in action on the Internet. Stay consistent for three years and you’ll defeat your employer across the board at their own game.
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