Life will definitely hit you with serious challenges the what you’re made of on the inside. And those also life challenges called curve balls come from people closest to you. Cousins, aunts, nephews, nieces, brothers and sisters, parents, childhood friends, next-door neighbors, uncles, your own children, and perhaps even your own spouse. Heck, even your own employer now your former employer. There comes a time in everyone’s life that these curve-balls called life challenges become so overwhelming that you want to release the beast within and just act out. That’s not the answer when you’re going to awesome trials and tribulations. If you believe in the power of positive thinking and keep a positive state of mind along with a calm and cool demeanor when you’re going through trials and tribulations, you’ll come to a positive discovery that every adverse experience in life you encounter a yearly profit you besides putting more money in your pocket as a future “side hustle millionaire” in the making.
- Use every negative experience to steal the thunder from those who oppose you and channel it as positive energy to build your new business from the ground floor up – The goal of the person who’s against you, whoever it is, is to bring you down mentally, spiritually and otherwise. You can’t knock them for doing your job. But when you look at it from a positive point of view, it can be a subliminal motivator to pick yourself up by the bootstraps, be better in all you do, maintaining positive state of mind, and start a business with the intention of achieving future [side hustle millionaire] status. Truth is, you’re always going to have someone saying or doing something to you. How you deal with it builds character.
- Less is more – Saying less and giving little to no reaction is more. Action speaks louder than words and it speaks louder than words when doing “silent talking.”
- Be thankful people or against you are sacrificing their time and energy – People have a unique way of showing you “you’re worth it.” If it wasn’t something good up the road waiting for you besides achieving “side hustle millionaire” status, then no one would be riding your coattail in showing you any kind of jealousy, envy, or malice. If someone goes out of their way to oppose you in whatever you say or do and continually stays “on your top,” that means you’re truly blessed and will achieve more than side hustle millionaire status in the future. This is why it’s important to “think positive daily,” because you never know where or who your tests will come from.
- Use visionary thinking to push yourself past trials and tribulations experienced in the moment – Where do you see yourself in the next five or 10 years? What you’re going through now is teaching you to incorporate daily positive thinking and keep his sights set on achieving side hustle millionaire entrepreneurial success. The tough skin you’re developing now going through trials and tribulations is preparing you for what’s up the road. Wrongfully terminated from your job? That’s a blessing in disguise. Slandered by family members who refuse to repent? Be thankful because it’s those unique experiences that’s going to make you a millionaire later and help you achieve unthinkable greatness.
- Believe you can shed negative thinking and unhealthy weight by doing more cardio – did you know that as your body increases its metabolic output and loses weight, your mindset transitions into a more positive state? It’s because as your body is shedding the unhealthy weight and increasing metabolic output, your mind begins to experience all kinds of healthy changes and inspires you to see everything in a more positive light. In turn, the weight loss commands people quietly to see you in a different light and respond to you in a more positive manner. This is why it’s important to have visionary thinking on board daily because if you think positive and stay on track with doing the transformation work out of inspirational desperation, not only can you lose weight in longevity, but you can also use your new outlook on life to achieve more than “side hustle millionaire” status.
Positive thinking alone can help you achieve financial freedom. It’s one thing to think positive, but it’s another to use positive thinking and add works. Faith without works is dead. If you believe, acted out and make healthy changes across the board, starting with your way of thinking. Believe and you shall achieve.
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