#Narcissism: Ways of Early Detection of #Narcissist Behavior

Question of the day: Do you think narcissistic behavior in ppl over 50+ years of age is due to being unmarried with no kids? Do you think narcissists over age 50 are bitter about not having a significant other who genuinely desires them and not having children to support them when they are old? Or can they lose weight so everyone notices the narcissist and they might have a 1% chance of getting married after quitting their demonic behavior?


Narcissist detection:


  1. They slam their hands on a table in front of others to humiliate you and show they’re cracking the whip in looking like a slave driver.
  2. They threaten you in secrecy and try to do it in a way you can’t prove.
  3. They walk around their office and near a service desk with their crusty feet out in front of others.
  4. They deny you opportunities to try and enslave you to make more money for them.
  5. They secretly take pictures of you on their camera phone.
  6. They secretly try to set you up and have others offer you opportunities to take what they’re offering just in case you snitch on the narcissist and they try to find where you’re located.
  7. They indirectly speak to you or speak through other people so you can’t prove to people it’s them.
  8. They spam your e-mail.
  9. They send you things as if you requested something from them when in actuality you didn’t.
  10. They fail to show up for a scheduled shift when their name is on the roster to work on a specific day (that’s a giveaway the narcissist is setting you up).
  11. They say things on the phone to others loud enough so only you would hear and hope you repeat what they said so they can know who tattle taled on them.
  12. The list goes on.

Are unmarried narcissists bitter that they’re alone and no one wants them? Your opinion???

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