#PositiveThinking Looks Past #WrongfulTerminations and Sees The Light Down the Road


This gentleman in the video is a respectable example of positive thinking and starting a business from the ground floor up. He didn’t care about the opinions of others and starting from scratch. Regardless what people said, he did the transformation business work, out of inspiration or desperation. Look at where he is today.



If your employer or former employer or evil family member who’s a hypocrite is a narcissist and targeted you for being a weirdo or a peculiar person, be happy about it. There’s something special-unique about you that they don’t have, even if they possibly have more money than you. Their victory is only temporary.



Wrongfully terminated? Take joy in suffering. That’s a blessing in disguise. With the power of creativity, looking to the future and positive thinking, you too can achieve great success.



Stop worrying about people. What you’re going through with an employer or former employer, family members, phony people and former or current co-workers, it’s just a mental and spiritual training exercise for the next level. Don’t get content with settling for sloppy seconds.



You gotta believe in yourself. It’s your mindset. It’s building from the ground floor up and staying content with making it work. True transformation requires long suffering and endurance in proving to yourself that you have the business muscle for the hustle.



Facts: Wrongful termination is a positive setup in lining up for future “side hustle millionaire” status.  In striving to be in alignment, you need good smelling cologne to arouse the noses of big money business people and your future soulmate. It’s never too late to use your employer or former employer’s negativity, double slip switch it into the power of positivity, get a side hustle going, and achieve online millionaire status in just a few years. That would mess them up to know the wrong they’ve done you made you a millionaire. This is why it’s important to always be positive, even while being wrongfully terminated over the phone for low productivity. (They lied and never gave the real reason).



The power of positive thinking can help you achieve more than defeating family members who slander you, and employers who think what they did to you was swept under the rug. No one can escape judgment.

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