moving forward

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The Good News for The New Year

Plotting against children of GOD is a violation. Anyone that does so will be put in their place by The LORD Jesus Christ. And yes, that goes for you too! This year forecasts a bright future ahead. Narcissists are hereby prohibited from further acts of acting out secret malice, hatred, envy, and strife, by speaking through… Read more inspiring words here

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#Truth: Nothing Can be Hidden

GOD sees what others can’t. you think you can get away and sweep this under the rug? what you do to the least is what you do unto HIM. Vengeance belongs to the LORD; HE will repay. Doing dirty dirty in the closet? Someone knows your skeletons. You’ve been enjoying doing what you wanted to do… Read more inspiring words here

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#AlwaysPray: When Demons Gang Up on You

They think they have you backed in a corner. You play cool. You’re already conditioned to hear and experience the worst. You’ve been through this before. They think they have you right where they want you. Bound. Then something happens. The [booby trap] people think they have set against you foils. What do I think? Not I… Read more inspiring words here