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#DocumentingEmployers Wrongful Actions: Write Everything Down and Stay Consistent in #EmployeeDocumentation of Your #NarcissistEmployer

This is an example how to properly document your daily employee activity on the job while doing your job with customers and interacting with staff. When documenting your day, make sure that you record the date, names, and times of everything. If you have to go back and proofread your information for accuracy and compare… Read more inspiring words here

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Question of the day

If you knew you would be a millionaire 3 years later down the road and someone was trying to sabotage your progress from achieving your entrepreneurial goals, would you play dumb and let them think they got over on you? Or give them the reaction you’re looking for and mess yourself up? Something to truly… Read more inspiring words here

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#Forbes Speaks on #PositiveAffirmations

 Positive thinking can help you achieve more than defeating your former narcissist employer. It can make you a millionaire in the near future. You are what you think. Mind over matter. Whatever you do, avoid drinking liquor, keep yourself spiritually, emotionally, and physically fit. And most importantly, don’t let what your former employer and… Read more inspiring words here