The following is from a study and open discussion questions concerning “unconscious bias in the workplace”:
1. What are some of the unconscious biases observed in the workplace or other areas?
Being targeted for wrongful termination by the general store manager, the HR specialists working in cahoots with the general store manager, and a few coworkers because of biases in secrecy. Despite it being an inverse experience, it was a blessing in disguise because it helps build character and walk away with your head held high knowing regardless of any conscious or unconscious bias, it’s a wise move to maintain dignity and don’t regret claiming religion. From experience, you should know now that religion and politics should be “avoided conversations in the workplace,” simply because it brings feelings and thoughts out of people that motivate them to allegedly have been unconscious or conscious bias toward the person who discusses religion or politics in the place of employment. If someone asks who do you believe in spiritually, shamelessly tell them that “I believe in The Lord Jesus Christ who is GOD almighty with no shame,” even if it results in you losing your job and having the HR generalist drive up from Virginia to humiliate you in front of customers and threaten to call the police if you don’t leave the store.
Good news is, though your former employer and some coworkers were biased, it brought out good character traits in you indirectly such as determined to remain steadfast in a positive train of thought, whereas you could use my adversity to propel myself to new horizons in life spiritually and entrepreneurially. Growing from your experiences are spiritual growing pains. It teaches you to stand fast on faith, in addition to believing in yourself to the point of taking entrepreneurship to the public 9th step and using the adversity of being wrongfully terminated and transitioning to a “side hustle millionaire” in the making.
Wrongful termination gives you a subliminal ambition to keep going and transform a negative into a positive by doing the transformation work in longevity, with the intention of being a future thought leader and showing others how they can take bad experiences and transform it into “positive residual life income.”
Long story short… Adversity has a unique way of indirectly bringing out the best in anyone.
2. How might unconscious biases affect members of a selection committee when selecting who to interview or who to hire?
Unconscious bias occurs most of the time in the hiring process. Most employers have a secret unconscious bias whereas they have a silent age cut off limit. In other words, most employers don’t want hire aged people to work. Another unconscious bias by some employers can also fall under the classification of minimizing hiring of minorities such as African-American and Hispanic employees. They may possibly hire some just to show as a front that they are diverse in the hiring process.
Employers who participate willingly and subliminally in unconscious biases actually shape the company’s culture and their actions speak volumes. Some employees and former employees feel there will always be some type of unconscious bias in the hiring process and members of a selection committee being indirectly picky on who to interview or who to hire, though they’re only looking for certain type of people, no one might not be picked for whatever reason, it’ll motivate anyone to keep their head held high. An unconscious bias, whether it’s from members of the selection committee, people in general or even from family members is in direct motivation for to go above and beyond in all I do. This is why the power of positive thinking turns negatives into positives.
Ever felt bias toward you from your current or former employer? Maybe it’s time to let the side hustle millionaire out of you and get that side hustle going. Starting your own business in the most challenging time of your time will inspire you to think positive and become a thought leader for change, inspiring others to follow your lead after achieving #sidehustlemillionaire status. The time to transform from “wrongfully terminated employee to side hustle millionaire” is now!
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