#Transformation: Thinking Positive and Trusting the Process – Be Thankful for Problems

Entrepreneurs are those who experienced the most adversity. Whether it be countless times of failure, family turning their backs on you and ignoring you on Facebook, getting fired from countless jobs because people from your past don’t want to see you ahead of them, or whatever the case may be, getting organized with no delay is the most humble way to succeed over adversity. While striving for excellence, humble yourself in the process of transitioning to spiritual and entrepreneurial excellence. There’s enough success for everyone to go around. Keep a humble and open mindset.

On days when you feel you have “writer’s block,” write a business blog post about it and let people know. This way, they see you are honest, forthcoming and a genuine people person online; not just someone who blogs for business, without connecting with others on a deeper level. Reaching out and responding to folk online build positive rapport and can do much good for your “business blogging endeavors.” Through the process, keep your head up, remain humble and never forget where you came from when you experience business blogging success. Lastly, be thankful for problems along the way when people go out of their way to try and bring you down. They see things in you you probably don’t see in yourself in the moment until long after the situation is over and done with. Little do those narcissist know they quietly made you rich beyond the financial aspect. They allowed you to steal their blessings from them with 0% return on their investment. 🙂

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