Commit yourself to a health regimen of cardio in the morning on an empty stomach 3x weekly. When you stick to a transformational health action plan for 6 weeks or more, doing cardio in the morning will become a normal habit.
When you do cardio on an empty stomach in the morning, you’re actually promoting the flow of endorphins to flow freely in your body. In turn, this promotes feelings of wellness, spiritual upliftment, weight loss, and a positive outlook on life.
Losing weight through an organized cardio regimen gives you increased energy to think positive day in and day out. Moreover, it also gives you ample energy to start and run a profitable money making business.
It pays to stay healthy year round and do the transformation work, out of inspiration or desperation.
Keeping your cardio up to snuff, combined with good solid nutrition and building a business is spiritually, mentally, and financially profitable in helping anyone achieve near future status of “side hustle millionaire,” even after graduating from college with 0% student debt and living debt-free. What a blessing.
26.2 miles forever, BodyForLife.com style. 🙂
Thanks for everything, Carolynn L. / Carolynn R. ❤️
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