- Graduating from college: They said this and that about you and casted you in a negative light, creating enmity between you and other family members. Then they wrote you off. Then you graduated from college. this is only the tip of the iceberg in you achieving greatness. More is yet to come. Be thankful family is hating on you because it inspires you to go the extra mile in your transformation and be that much better.
- Dressing better: Jealous family members wrote you off and allegedly labeled you as a bum. Or labeled you as a very needy family member who they would never help and turn their faces the other way, should you come to them for assistance. Ignoring jealous family members and staying in a positive state of mind is a good thing to do. Believing in yourself, changing the history of your human thought process, dressing better, and showing up where you’re required to be in attendance will keep jealous phony family members baffled why you refuse to quit in life, and keep going without them. Dressing for success puts you in a different state of mind and quietly commands respect from strangers and business peers. Learn to use negativity from family members as your direct inspiration to accelerate YouTube new heights in life, and near future side hustle millionaire entrepreneurial success. In other words, be thankful family members are hating. Let that hate increase your financial weight. You do the transformation work, out of inspiration or desperation. Keep your mouth shut towards them if they tried to speak to you.
- Work smarter on your personal goals: it’s a fact when you feel challenged by family members or people close to you, you tend to go the extra mile in working hard to achieve your personal objectives. Whether it’s building a business to be a future side hustle millionaire, going all the way in college, losing weight and getting back in a lean body, achieving a small waistline and a six pack of abs, increasing your fundraising online, etc., negativity has a unique way of inspiring you to think strategically to beat the odds and naysayers. Refuse to allow what any family member says or thinks of you to bring you down to the point of quitting on yourself. Always remember that when you’re striving to achieve a goal and to be the best in life, failure is not an option. Stay the course and do the transformation work out of “inspiration or desperation.”
- Stay busy: With jealousy and envy coming from family members, it’s easy to get thrown off track. Stay busy whether it’s in the gym on the treadmill doing cardio, working on that side hustle and building up your YouTube subscriber count or improving search engine rankings, or networking with people. When your mind stays busy with doing positive things, you’ll notice your outlook on life changes as you become a more positive thinker. Staying busy also keeps your mind off of who’s hating on you and who thinks what of you. Stop worrying about “what people and family think of you,” and just do the transformation work, regardless who casts you in a negative light. Their negativity will increase your profitability when least expected. Take joy and suffering and be thankful you’re getting hated on. They see greatness in you they don’t see in themselves.
- They’ll I really hate you for making it to Forbes magazine: imagine you working so smart and strategically thinking outside the box that Forbes magazine acknowledges you and requests to feature you in a Forbes article online. Your story from humble beginnings to greatness gets published in Forbes.com. Jealous and envious family members secretly find out. Then, they’ll allegedly come calling you either on the phone or allegedly sending Facebook friend requests wanting to reconcile their relationship. This will be a case of “you’re too late.” Too late in the sense of ever reconciling a relationship. That you must forgive them for their wrongdoing if you want to continue prospering spiritually and entrepreneurially. You know that by forgiving them, you’re letting that stuff they said about you be castrated in the sea of forgetfulness. But it doesn’t mean you have to be friends with them again and show up to family events. Forgive everyone that has done you wrong because every human in today’s world makes mistakes. Be thankful family members hated on you enough for you to get out of your comfort zone of thinking, and move forward through courage and determination to make something good of yourself.
Now you’ll know how to handle jealous family members when they hate on you. Using the awesome power of positive thinking and moving forward in the uncertain game called life will help you achieve more than entrepreneurial greatness. If you don’t encounter some type of adversity in your life, how can you have a transformational success story of victory of where you came from? Forgive family members who trespass against you, but also keep your distance from them.
Always remember that whether it’s a family member, childhood friend, former boyfriend, former girlfriend or whatever trespasses against you, it’s nothing but a spiritual test to see what you’re made of and how you’ll handle the situation. The better you employ the power of positive thinking and handle adverse situations in a mature fashion, it’ll increase your profitability spiritually and financially. This is why it pays to think positive daily and never quit in the uncertain game called life.
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