PositiveThinking: Just When Family Thinks They Bested You

stay positive. Stay focused. The family is not always blood. Just because they’re your relatives, that doesn’t mean they’re in your corner supporting you and have your best in mind. Family will tear you down, slander you, tell you indirectly you’re nothing, put you in a negative light before people, and make themselves look like a good person when they’re really a liar, thief, and almost everything else behind-the-scenes that’s not right.



If you have family like that, distance yourself from them and stayed positive in your thinking. Keep going to work and look to the future. Continue working on achieving higher education. If you’re planning on starting a business, use the negative energy from your family members to stay focused and always think positive. When they think they have best that you and pushed you away thinking you’ll come back to them begging, stay away for the rest of your life and keep working on bettering yourself inside out. Your struggles will make you a near future “side hustle millionaire.” Whether you’re going through nonsense from family members, wrongful termination from your past narcissist employer, or dumped by your former partner because of your past financial status, bowls or all hidden blessings in disguise. Be thankful you’re going through trials and tribulations because it’s shaping you to be a stronger person in the future beyond achieving future status of [side hustle millionaire].


Stay humble and hungry. 🙂

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