You’re possibly one of millions of people born a peculiar person. Face it. You just don’t fit in with the world. Ever feel like everywhere you go you’re just an outcast – weirdo? Ever feel like your family members virtually hated you ever since you’ve been born for almost no reason at all? Do you feel like a spiritual target in your place of employment by a “workplace Jezebel” or workplace Jezebels who don’t speak to you on the job, but yet, secretly conspiring to have your employment terminated due to alleged jealousy and peculiarness? If the answer is yes to one or more of those questions, chances are, you’re born a peculiar person and have an invisible mark on you that you probably or probably don’t know about. A workplace Jezebel is not referred to as a physical harlot or flapper in this case. The workplace Jezebel is referred to as one who seeks to isolate a person from building and sustaining positive relationships with management and coworkers in the workplace, by suspectedly going around and saying things about the targeted peculiar person in secrecy to have people look at the peculiar person in a certain light.
1.Ignore your boss and co-worker(s) if needed: you never know if your boss has something secretly against you because you’re a peculiar person. You never know if your boss is allegedly putting some coworkers up to doing their bidding, by having the coworker walk up to your desk and say things to you ignorantly out of turn to get a reaction the boss is allegedly looking for. You never know if the boss is allegedly sleeping with one particular coworker, as you may start to feel the same spirit coming from the coworker as you do from the boss. When you feel disrespected by your boss and a particular coworker or coworkers, ignore them on the spot by doing the transformation spiritual work out of inspiration or desperation. Doing the transformation spiritual work sometimes involves ignoring Satan and his imps, whomever the devil has permission to use to attack you spiritually. Ignoring when necessary sends a clear and concise message to the imps to “flee from you.” Ignoring a coworker or your boss when necessary is not a sign of weakness nor kowtowing to them. Ignoring someone gives you a peace of mind spiritually and subliminally, allowing you to have a clear and concise concentration on bettering yourself across the board spiritually and entrepreneurially. Most importantly, ignoring people on the job when they shoot those fiery spiritual mental darts at you leaves them wondering the method to your madness, pertaining to the way you think. Lastly, ignoring people on the job when necessary is the best reaction because as the saying goes “he who laughs last laughs the best.” It’ll help you to stay in a positive mindset of humility, increase your self-confidence on the spiritual and entrepreneurial level, and get more done as a “side hustle millionaire” in the making. The end result? The victory belongs to you!
2. Hit the treadmill to increase your heart rate and boost your entrepreneurial output: Face the facts; increasing your cardiovascular output directly impacts the mind transforming negative thoughts into thinking positive about your future. Doing the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation by emptying up your cardio automatically helps you to think more positive of yourself, without a care in the world about what your family members or “what people think.” Stop worrying about what people think of you whether you’re overweight or currently in shape. Hitting the treadmill at least three times weekly instantly helps you to think healthier and feel lighter mentally and physically. When your heart rate improves in longevity, you’ll notice how you’re able to get more things done. Increase cardio by hitting the treadmill and you’ll notice not only will you use adversity and transform it into untapped opportunity, but you’ll also notice you increase your profit potential, Turner haters into your biggest money makers without them reaping 1% of their investment in you, and getting back into that lean body you’ve been jonesing for. When your heart rate improves, their entrepreneurial output improves, helping you inch closer toward achieving side hustle millionaire status, thus putting you in a positive mindset to remain “spiritually bulletproof“ to your haters.
3. Get real sharp on them by dressing fly: “Dressing for success” entails thinking positive about self. Your self, that is. If your wardrobe is currently slacking a certain look, you can always form searches online for clearance sales @ places like Macys.com, Overstock.com, Toms.com, Zappos.com, Bloomingdales.com, Nordstrom.com, 6pm.com, PlatosCloset.com, and shopping at your local GoodWill thrift store for great prices on your favorite name-brand clothing and footwear. Improving your image improves your reputation and the way you think. It quietly commands people in and out of the workplace to look at you in a different light. If you feel youe family and workplace haters are increasing their hate towards you, it means success is nearby up the road waiting for you “greatness.” It means in layman’s terms that success is right around the corner. Hold steadfast by staying in a positive mindset, eat right, do your cardio, and think positive no matter the cirumstance. When they continue to hate, educate yourself spiritually and entrepreneurially with priceless information to help you prosper across the board. Dressing differently commands people to treat you differently. Dressing differently turns rejection into financial opportunity. Dressing differently forces that woman who told you “no” to have her come running back speaking to you again. Dressing differently will force that man that walked away from you to send you text messages again or show up at your job, without calling after he saw you at a local convenience store or shopping mall. People who normally don’t speak to you in the workplace who demonstrate “less than adequate home training” will allegedly brag about one of their parents being a detective in law enforcement may possibly subliminally complement your outfit or sport coat after walking past them in the locker room. It pays to think and dress differently because what one person thinks of you as a “weirdo,” others may look at you being a future side hustle millionaire, entrepreneur, or upper-level management employee in the making. Regardless of what anyone thinks of you, you think positive about yourself because it’s about making you feel good and not being a “people pleaser.”
4. Let your words be few: Saying less to workplace Jezebel’s and other workplace haters subliminally means of achieving more. You save your breath and time giving them the reaction they’re looking for. You save your time, breath and energy by using it to transform yourself from employee to future side hustle millionaire in the making. You save time addressing your haters and concentrating more on building up your side hustle business. This is why it’s important to let your words be few. Most importantly, it is also important to let you words be few because you don’t want workplace Jezebel’s and other workplace haters to misconstrue your words and twist them, falsely accusing you that you allegedly threatened them. Let your words be few because of this way, you don’t hang your power over to haters by blurting something out you may later have to go back to them and “repent” for.
5. Save money from your paychecks and invest in yourself by starting a side hustle and not investing in the stock market: are you saving a portion of your paychecks every time you get paid to invest in your side hustle? Do you know the true meaning of “job?” Job means “just over broke.” The reason why you only paid a certain hourly salary is because they want to keep you working. Another reason why they only pay you a certain amount in hourly salary is because they want to save money on employee benefits, employee training, and reducing the possibility of you getting a raise. In other words, it’s to keep you enslaved as an employee. You can break free from the slave chains by using adversity in the workplace and a portion of your paychecks to invest in your own entrepreneurial ideas and transform your side hustle into a future million-dollar business. This is how you overcome the workplace haters such as a workplace Jezebel, your boss, and other workplace haters who are allegedly jealous of your current achievements. Defeating people is absolutely possible without uttering one word from them. Take their words from them spewed towards you and create “lots and lots of content,” and inspire people by offering helpful suggestions on how to deal with haters in and out of the workplace. Little do the workplace and “family member haters such as aunts and cousins” know that every time they say something to you out of turn, they profit you in longevity more than profiting financially.
Be thankful when people show their true selves to you and “switch up.” It’s truly a blessing in disguise. Get organized!
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