How many times has an operations coordinator, your direct boss, or a supervisor came up to at the end of your shift asking you if you are interested in working overtime? You know you need the money. But your mind is spinning and your body is trained of energy. Sometimes you volunteer to work overtime because you need the extra cash. Truth is, every time you work overtime for your employer, there slowly but surely in sleeving your mind and holding you back from living life to your fullest positive potential.
Did you know that working a regular job and staying in that routine for years holds you back from unleashing your true creative entrepreneurial potential? Almost everyone has millions of dollars of creative ideas rambling in the back of their minds waiting to be unleashed. But the job you’re currently in as you possibly enslaved to the point of relying on it for your only source of income. Not only has your day job possibly enslaved your mind in relying on it for job security, but it also hampered your ability to think positively about starting your own business.
Changing the way you think in the new year is a great way to reinvent itself. Changing your thought process means editing everything you’re all about. On a spiritual level, mental level, emotional level, physical level, and entrepreneurial. When your boss or shift supervisor comes up to you next time and asks you to work overtime, believe in yourself enough to reject their request to work overtime. Instead, use the power of positive thinking to believe in yourself and work on your own side hustle business project. As long as you working for someone else and going to a regular job, there’s no way you will ever get out of that “paycheck to paycheck mindset.” You’ll never get out of the working class mind of going to a job and having the ability to break free from your day job by starting and running your own business.
The new year is finally here. He gives you a lot to think about and an opportunity to make all kinds of healthy changes. 2021 is not the year to keep handing power over to your employer. 2021 is not the year to stay in a negative mindset. 2021 is your year to use the power of positive thinking and positive affirmations to kick your employer to the curb and start your own business. The power of positive thinking in the new year will possibly help you lose weight and reshape your body, start a business and quit your day job, an inch closer to financial freedom by being a future side hustle millionaire. When you believe in yourself and take that leap of faith into the abyss of uncertainty, you’ll achieve more than hope for beyond getting rich by starting your own business.
Working overtime is making you more vulnerable to wrongful termination in the future. If you’re not in a union and working in a nonunion workplace, the employer may possibly wait until the end of your temporary assignment or until your career is finished closer to retirement. Then find a reason to wrongfully terminate you after working for the company for decades or working so many overtime hours. This is why it’s important to always think positive and believe in your ability, using the power of positive thinking and start your own business. No employer wants to know that their stupidity and ignorance made you a future online millionaire. The time to start your business is now. The longer you put off positive thinking and believing in nothing yourself to start a business and put your employer on the back burner, the more you hand your power over to your employer in being a corporate slave.
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