#PositiveThinking: Releasing Concealments Through mindful introspection (soul searching)

rely on GOD more for your strength. no one can make it alone in their journey to eternal perfection.

The following post was made years ago by the founder of drewry news network on a past health site in regard to “releasing concealments.” The post was made as an effort to change the average thought process and transition into positive thinking…

I’ve identified these three specific concealments as ones that are weighing on me and which I would like to be free of:


1) I have been secretly eating unhealthy foods at night, then lying about it to others.
2) Haven’t told the truth to my support group about missing many of my workouts.
3) I am afraid if I get in good shape I will attract the wrong kind of attention.
* Remain humble, depend on the Lord Jesus Christ, and to continually strive to keep positive relationships with others, and asking The Lord to guide my footsteps while continually keeping love in my heart for others, and myself.
* Starting over on a clean slate, and forgiving. GOD will bless me and anyone beyond dreams if we do that.
* Over-analyzing things. What we can’t control, don’t think about. Adapt to change, be thankful for challenges, and have respect for everyone.

A nonjudgmental, unconditionally caring person whom I can share my truth with is:

* The Lord Jesus Christ. HE knows everything before it happens, and knew the perfect blueprint for our lives.

Example: A close friend, family member, counselor, spiritual leader, mentor, partner from the community.

The beautiful community, because I will never forget my humble beginnings.

A specific time and place where I plan to release my concealments by sharing them with another person is:

Sunday morning with my pastor at church or a meeting with a friend.

* In church.

Three ways I’ll benefit when I identify, confront and confess my unhealthy concealments are:

1) I’ll be able to sleep more soundly at night.
2) I will feel more comfortable being my authentic self instead of feeling anxious around others.
3) I’ll experience less inner-conflict and stress which will make it easier for me to not overeat or engage in unhealthy habits.
* Being able to do more than thought of creatively, spiritually and business wise.
* Love unconditionally and look past the flaws of others and self.
* Have more confidence and continue to exercise often.


Releasing concealments is an essential step in the true process. It frees the mind, lightens the heart and energizes the body. You can experience all those benefits when you identify uncomfortable feelings that you might be avoiding, boldly confront and acknowledge them in writing, and then courageously confess them to at least one other person who cares about your well-being, and who is nonjudgmental with their support.

This action step is not easy, but it is so very much worth the effort. When you get it done, you’ll discover renewed emotional health, happiness, and humility. In everyone’s life journey, there comes a time when everyone feels uncomfortable. This time should be taken to re-evaluate yourself to see areas you can improve in. Speaking on the behalf, we feel these feelings. We are human and get unsure of ourselves sometimes. Yes, we all start to feel sometimes that no one cares about our well being, but that is the true test of your faith in going the extra mile and never giving up on yourself. It is also a time to This assignment is surely a thought provoking action step, but glad to have completed it. Better late than never.

2 Comments on "#PositiveThinking: Releasing Concealments Through mindful introspection (soul searching)"

  1. i really like it ,, and you have nicely done in this post everything about positive thinking
    Thank you for sharing great post

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