Facts: Haters hate and profit you without their knowledge. They do more than help you get financially rich in silence. Getting rich is not always affiliated with making money.
Going through problems with slanderous family members? Issues with your narcissist boss who’s showboating with their mouth and saying things to you in their office with the door closed so no one can hear what they’re saying? Guess what? They’re handing their power over to you.
This is how you handle negative people close to your ear who try to bring you down:
- Let your words be few.
- Ignore your employer and family members in certain situations.
- Ignore your employer and blow them off when they say criminal things to you in secret when n one is around to witness them. That’s not “insubordination.”
- Work on your alternative business projects in secrecy and rely less on your job.
- Look to the future.
- Believe “this too shall pass.”
- Dress better.
- Walk past your employer or family members dressed up and ignore them.
- Smell good always (mandatory like working overtime).
- Stay humble.
- Document words and actions of hateful family members and your employer.
- Create content for your site or blog off of things your employer or a family member said to you in secrecy and offer solutions to others for positive and creative ways to deal with issues when they arise.
- Allow them to continue bashing you with their mouth because the fight is not yours.
- Keep moving forward in life because they hate to see you progress.
- Be thankful for problems, smile, and know your side hustle millionaire status is right around the corner.
- Give no pushback nor saying anything that could incriminate you when wrongful termination occurs – in other words, be happy you’re getting fired and have a cheerful voice on the phone when they tell you in so many words when they Donald Trump you AT & T style and declare “you’re fired.”
- Stock up on good smelling cologne or perfume and stay consistent with smelling good everywhere you go.
- Be happy family and your employer or co-workers are ganging up on you. Greatness is right around the corner more than anything money could afford. That alone shoud keep you in a positive mindset.
- The list goes on.
With every problem life dishes to you, there’s hidden good!
When they hate and contemplate in secrecy, let it be your motivational vehicle to increase your spiritual and financial weight. You’re the victor in the end and have the “1 up” on them in saying “Checkmate.”
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