If you believe enough in yourself and the ability to transition from employee to entrepreneur and sick of tired of disparate treatment from your Abaddon infested employer, you can profit from their negativity. Use the power of positive thinking and start a quiet remote business as a part-time work from home online freelancer. Or, you can work online on the go as a digital nomad and online millionaire in the making.
The stone cold fact: The more you continue working for that narcissist employer of yours, the more you keep handing your power over to them. You come home from work drained with no energy to work on your own side business projects.
Stop accepting sloppy seconds from your employer through bad treatment, settling for the same pay when you deserve a pay raise, and stop working overtime for the narcissist boss. 2021 is your year to believe, achieve, and start your own business to achieve spiritual greatness, and financial freedom.
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