10 Positive Quotes to Dwell On For ‘Near Future Online Millionaires In The Making’

You’ve experienced trials and tribulations long enough. You’re long overdue for a come up in the uncertain game called life. you endured wrongful terminations and threats from past employers. You’ve been dumped by women. You’ve been put down by some women in the past to experience one or more of them running back years later when they noticed you’re doing good without them. You endured humiliation by having a college scholarship taken away. Through thick and thin, you’ve endured hardship as a faithful and good soldier, sometimes worrying if anything good in the future was secretly waiting for you.



Now that you have the power mindset to move forward with a renewed outlook on life and a greater respect for working on yourself starting within, you probably decided to take on entrepreneurship while holding down a day job, while in the midst of working on true transformation. Transformation is more than drinking protein shakes and exercising at the gym.


Transformation is total spiritual curation starting from within, followed by the curation of soul, mind, heart, body, and business.


If you’re currently working on a business venture and in your right mind now still wondering what the future holds for you as an aspiring entrepreneur, take these 10 positive thoughts and run with it like a runaway New York City subway train

by using the power of positive thinking by moving forward, believing in yourself despite who doesn’t, and doing the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation:


  1. “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”
  2. “Embrace the power of optimism. Your positive mindset can turn every challenge into an opportunity.”
  3. “Don’t be afraid to take risks. The greatest discoveries and achievements often come from stepping outside your comfort zone.”
  4. “Choose to see the beauty in every day. Your perspective has the power to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.”
  5. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
  6. “Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with positive people who believe in your potential.”
  7. “Your journey may be tough, but so are you. Remember, every setback is just a setup for a comeback.”
  8. “The secret to getting ahead is getting started. Take that first step towards your goals and let the momentum carry you forward.”
  9. “In the midst of challenges, find your inner strength. You are capable of overcoming anything that comes your way.”
  10. “Every day is a fresh start, a new opportunity to chase your dreams and create a life you love. Make it count!”

Now that you read those 10 positive quotes… You have work to do. Get started now and do the transformation work!

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