5 Ways to Deal With a Narcissist When They Harass You

Incorporate the power of prayer in your daily routines so you’ll always have “1 up” on all narcissists. Narcissists hate to hear that you pray and go to church. Tell that to narcissists and their heart will start spewing things to your face.  Out of the heart, the mouth speaketh.

  1. Ignore them – Walking away or remaining silent will surely urk the living crap out of them. They will act out and try to play it off later by catching themselves and acting more subtle.  Ignore, ignore, ignore, and the deil shall flee from you.
  2. Walk away from them while they’re talking to you – Once again, this will signal them that they’ve already lost. A persistent narcissist will keep this type of ADHD behavior up. Satan uses anyone possible to try to get you to act out before people, so he can try to wrongfully pin things on you. Don’t give Satan nor his narcissist imp (s) the power by reacting. The best reaction is no reaction and simply walk away.
  3. Laugh in their face and walk away – Remind yourself what you’re going through in the moment with the narcissist is just a test and temporary. That’ll really drive narcissists up the wall when you show them they’re not getting through to you mentally.
  4. Lose weight and increase your cardio at the gym – It’s a good idea in your weight loss transformation to use the negative energy from a narcissist when they try to bring you down to run longer on the treadmill, put the alcohol down and give up alcoholism altogether, cook your meats and seafood thoroughly and not eat raw seafood, and most importantly, eat right. Eating right has a unique way of helping anyone get in the right state of spiritual and mental being and “respectively” deal with narcissists on “all fronts.” Are you listening? Am I right?
  5. Steal their thunder to build a million dollar business – Stealing thunder from a narcissist simply means taking all the negativity they’ve dealt you and refusing to internalize it to the point of making you someone you’re not. Instead, you steal the thunder from a narcissist by taking their negative energy, add it with a spice of positive thinking, start a side hustle business doing something you truly love doing, and passionately working on your business project as a “labor of love.” Furnish your business with creative ideas and watch them sprout into fruition as you turn negatives into positives. When a narcissist thinks they’re getting under your skin and bringing you down, hit back out of the woodworks from left field through spiritual and entrepreneurial strategic thinking. This is how you can catch a narcissist off guard and defeat them at their own game.

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