What to Do When You Feel Life is Unfair
All you can do is “pray and stand tall in faith.”
All you can do is “pray and stand tall in faith.”
The LORD Jesus Christ can do all things beyond our limited human thinking. If you’ve ever fallen off of the bandwagon of making positive progress in life in any positive way, no need to dwell on the past. Truth is, we all do. Need inspiration ? We all do so we can inspire others to stay… Read more inspiring words here
So many silent doors of robust opportunity await you. You’re going through a rough patch in life. It seems as if nothing will ever change, and things are only getting worse. Scholarship money is available online. It’s going to be a serious challenge trying to get the money you need for college. It’s there for… Read more inspiring words here
trust in GOD.lean not on your own understanding. Do good towards others that hurt you, for they’ll forever wonder and stay in awe about your positive thinking patterns. there is no truth in fighting evil with evil. let that mess go of holding a grudge against someone from 10-20-30 + years ago. the victor is… Read more inspiring words here
The Lord Jesus Christ who is God and God alone wants us to humble ourselves before Him, work well with others around us and afar, and continually uplift one another to spiritual greatness. Can innovative minds withstand the test of time? In life, there are many ways in understanding the human mind. Experiences in life helps… Read more inspiring words here
God can help anyone who diligently seek HIM for the Holy Ghost stay on track in precision with your spiritual thinking. Making positive changes requires experiencing countless trials and tribulations, such as encounters with family and phony friends, narcissist employers, demonic co workers or some demonic co workers, and more.Slow to anger and reactions is… Read more inspiring words here
Exercise is no doubt the best poor man’s medicine. With a rise in healthcare costs today, the best way to keep yourself healthy is by good ol’ exercise and believing in yourself. Lifting your own natural body weight and engaging in cardiovascular exercise, such as light morning walks, or mild-jogging increases the metabolic rate, lifts… Read more inspiring words here
Did you know your environment and people you surround yourself with can significantly impact your attitude and train of thought? A prime example would be someone who grew up in either a rich neighborhood or coming from a rich family. That person would see life in a different light with their attitude and mindset vs.… Read more inspiring words here
The Lord Jesus knows your thoughts and your heart. The Lord Jesus knows everything you’re thinking before you even think it. The Lord Jesus knows you desire a better relationship with everyone. And whether you want to believe it or not, prayer is a guaranteed way to achieve healthy changes in your life. Find yourself… Read more inspiring words here
Monday is finally here. Be sure to start your day the right way with prayer first thing in the morning before starting your cardiovascular activity. It’s your special day to start the work week on the right foot with a positive attitude. Don’t let your narcissist employer, negative family members, fake friends, or anyone… Read more inspiring words here