#TerminatedToMillionaire: How to Deal With Co-Workers and Employers Who Are Envious and Jealous of You Using #PositiveThinking

There’s a reason why you feel coworkers and your shift manager or an employer is allegedly envious and jealous of you indirectly or directly. There’s a reason why almost every job you go on you get problems from people you don’t even know full virtually no reason. There’s a reason why you’re seeing is a weirdo in the eyes of people you work with or family members. There’s a reason why everything happens. The feelings employers and coworkers allegedly feel toward you is your personal trial and tribulation. It’s not how they feel toward you and treat you. It’s how you handle those feelings using the awesome power of positive thinking that transforms jealousy and envy from coworkers and employers into unlimited spiritual and entrepreneurial profitability. Out of things intended to derail your mind and success can turn out to be more than a financial blessing.


If you discover that your peculiar person and unlike in the workplace, take it as a good thing. Your unlike the world and refused to conform to their ways of thinking. Moreover, if you find yourself harassed on your job by the shift manager, vice president, assistant vice president, direct employer, or some coworkers for being different in conversation, religion, or the way you dress, do not change anything to please people. Being a people pleaser will take you out of your element and stray your mind away from your future goals. Some of the future goals possibly consist of getting your MBA in business, starting your own business, achieving future status of “side hustle millionaire,” refusing to give your best to in unthankful employer refuses to give you a pay raise or promotion, public speaking, and passing the torch of inspiration to others to unleash their full entrepreneurial creative potential through side hustling. If you refuse to change who you are to please people on the job, this is a subliminal demonstration of strength on your behalf that you refuse to be a “people pleaser.”

While it seems like a bad thing you’re going through in the moment of adoring hardship of being harassed verbally and otherwise by some coworkers and your shift manager-employer-VP, it’s a good thing in disguise. The job you probably have right now is nothing more than a BJ. BJ, meaning “bridge job,” and not just a job to have until another job comes along. It’s a job to teach you something in your mind and heart about dealing with people in the workplace. The job you probably have now that you’re enduring hardship from some people you work with is preparing you for greatness. When your employer-shift manager-VP-coworkers step up spiritual attacks on you by saying things you don’t like or telling on you for every little thing you do, this is the time that you need to improvise in putting together a plan B. A Plan B, meaning your side hustle. Additionally, when some people on the job start harassing you and are consistent with it, make up in your mind that you’re going to be consistent with either ignoring them, or saying something in response that’ll throw them off course mentally. In other words, while they look for a negative verbal reaction from you after saying or doing things toward you in the workplace, react with something pleasant and in a pleasant tone of voice. Under no circumstances are you to disrespect coworkers or your employer. The reason for refusing to disrespect your employer or coworkers is to show them that they’ve handed over their power to you and can’t get it back. If you react to them in a negative fashion, that handing me her power back to them and hand in yours over to them as well. This is why it’s important to either ignore people on the job better negative toward you, or let your words be few in a positive response. The power of changing the history of your past thinking and becoming a more positive thinker will do more than help you handle negative situations in the workplace. It helps you to believe in yourself while you’re building a side hustle from the ground floor up, knowing in the near future, you’re destined to achieve “side hustle millionaire” status off of peoples envy and jealousy towards you.

If you find yourself struggling on-the-job dealing with harassment from your employer or coworkers, the first thing you need to do is to get him healthy mindset of learning to ignore people in the workplace who hate on you. if you feel you have nothing nice to say in response, keep doing your job and act as if everything they said toward you when in one ear and out the other. Remember, it’s about mind over matter. No hater on your job wants to know that the jealousy and envy the skewed towards you is subliminally fueling you toward achieving your entrepreneurial goals, and adding to your entrepreneurial ambition to achieve more than the future status of “side hustle millionaire.” They don’t know that they’re profiting you in secrecy. This is why it’s good for you to be thankful for trials and tribulations you would do or in your place of employment. Not only is it a test of your endurance and patients, but it’s also a test of your character in how you deal with adverse situations. Never allow your employer or coworkers to feel they have the upper hand in controlling how you think and feel. It can’t be stressed enough that the more they hate on you, the more successful you’ll be in the future, if you continue to employ the power of positive thinking and seeing the good others don’t.

To subliminally counterattack people on the job will harass you because you’re considered a weirdo or too peculiar, start off with the first initial action step in feeling good about yourself by dressing as if you were the CEO of the company. Did you know that close you wear affects your thought process? Yes, it’s true. When you put on a suit, don’t you feel at times you’re on the level to receive unlimited executive privilege? this is because the way you’re dressed projects a certain image before others and puts you in a certain mindset. The mindset it puts you in and makes you feel as if you’re the owner of a company or an enterprise. You should keep this mindset of feeling as if you’re in control by not only dressing the part often, but believing in yourself year-round when others view you as “less.” No one should be allowed to make you feel you’re less of a person and to keep you in a “slave production mindset,” thinking you’ll never achieve more than the job you’re currently in. When you counterattack your coworkers and your employer by expressing like you run the operation and refuse to kowtow to what they think of you, there’s no telling the amount of greatness you can achieve spiritually and entrepreneurially. If you haven’t yet overhauled your closet to dressing as if you’re a CEO or top level executive, it’s never too late to get organized and change the way you think. Besides, side hustle millionaire status is right around the corner for you and you really need to dress the part for success in the near future.

Not happy with your job because of workplace harassment by your boss and coworkers? Not happy with your job because you’re not making enough money? Not happy with your job because you’ll overlooked for advancement in the company because you’re judged by your shift manager-VP-employer as a weirdo and peculiar? It’s never too late to use negativity to start your own business. The Internet is here to stay. Regardless how you’re treated on-the-job, how much money you bring home every two weeks, who likes you, who dislikes you on the job for whatever reason, and who’s out to get your job, it’s never too late to use the Internet to starting work from home business and achieve the future status of “side hustle millionaire.” It’s no fun putting up with workplace harassment. But there’s something you can do about it. Taken that negativity and starting your own business in secrecy is the transformation business solution to financially overcoming your workplace haters. While your quietly amassing a million-dollar fortune working from home online with your side hustle, don’t get arrogant and start showing off-showboating. Keep you mouth shut while enduring workplace harassment “if you’re not already wrongfully terminated,” and work on your side hustle. Believe in yourself. Take all that built up frustration and figure out a niche for your online side hustle that’ll help everyday working people achieve greatness like you. Believe it or not, you’re not the only one putting up with your employer-VP-shift manager and coworkers harassing you because you’re different from the world. If you start a side hustle business online that provides solutions to everyday working class people showing them how they too can start their own business working from the comfort of their home doing something they are passionate about as a labor of love, your business will always be good. It’ll heap coals upon the heads of coworkers and your employer-VP-shift manager that you are succeeding in your own side hustle business, after they find out in secrecy how good you’re doing without them. And it’ll really burn their heads up moreover when they find out you used their jealousy-envy-hatred towards you as positive motivational fuel to grow your business online. So while they think they’re doing you damage, they’re profiting you spiritually and financially by believing in yourself through faith that you can prospering side hustle entrepreneurship, and using that faith to profit your self financially.

When you look back at the things you’ve been through, you’ll have a lot to be thankful for. Those people who were partakers in attempting to bring you down actually did you good. You reverse engineered the game by using positive thinking to believe in yourself and prove your haters wrong. And you use the jealousy and envy from your workplace haters, including your direct boss and vice president, to earn a cool $1 million from their negativity. When eight find out you became a side hustle millionaire off of their stupidity, they can’t say or do anything to you about it. That alone will have you feeling more than grateful for enduring.

Stay humble and hungry in the uncertain game called life while building up your spiritual and financial net worth. Life is more than becoming a millionaire. This place we know as Earth is a temporary world.

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