It’s no good feeling being harassed at work by your employer or coworkers. It’s a job and a ½ dealing with the fact you’re a peculiar person. Moreover, it’s mentally and physically challenging at times to work a full shift that’s not a traditional work shift working with a narcissist employer and coworkers, coming home from work feeling physically drained and heading straight to bed. While your employer continues to get hard work off the sweat of your back and harasses you in the workplace here and there by calling you names and dishing out individual disparate treatment to you due to religion or other reasons, there’s a legitimate and intellectual way to rob your narcissist employer and take power back from them, while achieving financial freedom quietly from home.
As your employer continues to quietly rob you of your employment potential by increased productivity on your behalf without a bright future insight working for the company, you need to consider implementing a plan B alongside your job “if you still have it.” Your Plan B should consist of a side hustle working from home in your spare time doing something you love. If you start a side hustle business working from home as a Plan B doing something as a passionate labor of love, you’ll keep going on days when you don’t see light ahead for your side hustle blossoming into a full-time business without further need to keep your day job. Don’t tell anyone on your job about your side business because you’ll be jeopardizing your employment. And if your narcissist employer finds out, you risk wrongful termination.
Whenever your employer harasses you whether it is out in the open or in a closed office door setting, be mindful to take the first initial action step to document the date and time of the occurrence. STU document the date and exact time your employer requested you to go into his or her office, keep your ears closely tuned to everything your employer is saying verbatim. It’s a good idea to have a pen and folded piece of paper in your pocket when you’re in the office being allegedly harassed by your boss. After your boss is done talking to you in the office, and step off the production floor by either going to the bathroom or exiting the building.
Write down everything you remember verbatim your employer telling you you deem offensive. Afterwards, go home and draft up what you have written in rough draft mode and rewrite it in a Microsoft Word document and save it to your laptop, desktop PC or USB flash drive. Once you’re done rewriting and proofreading and making the final edits to your documentation of what your employer says to you in the closed door setting, start blogging about it on your personal blog if you already have one. If you can, wear a wire so you can catch your employer on audio harassing you and saying things that’s against the law.
Blogging about your workplace harassment is one of many ways to get your feelings and workplace tribulations you’re going through in the moment into the Internet universe. You never know who else is going through the same thing on their job. Toward the conclusion of your blog post discussing the things the employer said to you you find offensive, offer creative solutions for employees to deal with workplace related harassment from their employer or coworkers. Offer solutions toward the conclusion of the blog post that doesn’t require the employee to someone the services of a lawyer.
If you continue discussing in future blog posts about your feelings and things your employer or coworkers said to you you find offensive it while trying to do the job to the best of your ability, you’re not only indirectly reporting your employer out in the open online, but you also capitalizing off of your employer and coworkers through accurate documentation-blogging of how they’re dishing disparate treatment toward you while doing your job. Believe it or not, your blog readers may potentially start feeling sympathetic toward you and sharing your blog posts on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Tik Tok, YouTube and Pinterest, giving you free traffic, free advertising and giving you business by promoting your content to other people on your behalf. When your blogs are optimized with advertisements from affiliate programs and optimized with links whereas people can donate to your blog, all you’re doing is using the negativity from your coworkers and employer to create “lots and lots of content,” and using their workplace disparate treatment-jealousy-hatred towards you to make money from them. This is why it’s good not to get a lawyer and avoid suing your employer or coworkers.
This is a legitimate back door creative idea to use people on your job who envy you to make money. Believe it or not, when you use the power of positive thinking and think creatively outside the box, you’ll be glad in the long run your employer and some coworkers are actually contributing their effort to hating on you. You reverse engineer their hatred and use it to increase your financial weight, by resorting to your plan B of starting a side hustle working from home through blogging and selling online. If you believe enough in your self and continue using the power of positive thinking to look to the future and not be emotionally bombarded in the moment of people trying to bring you down through hateful workplace tactics such as tried to set you up for termination or telling lies on you at work, the creative skill of making money from your employer, phony family members who are two-faced hypocrites on Sunday, and making money from your coworker haters will be a virtual no-brainer. You’ll smile every time they expel energy to hating on you, because you’ll see money making opportunities where they don’t. This is how you can legally rob your employer of their energy and capitalize financially.
Food for thought: How do you think your employer, 2-faced hypocrite phony family member(s) and co-workers would feel after they secretly discover you used their negativity to get your weight up financially? It would eat them up on the inside, as you might quietly laugh all the way to the bank. Lastly, the ones who reject and write you off as a weirdo almost always come running back and trying tospeak, after they discover you’re “doing well” without them.
Be thankful when people hate you at work because whether they get you wrongfully terminated or judge you as a weirdo, they’re actually making you rich in silence. The best source of motivation to prosper in entrepreneurship and succeed in the uncertain game called life comes from the most negative people in and out of the workplace. Agree?
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